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Legal affairs staff writer for CQ Roll Call (@cqnow, @rollcall). Supreme Court, Congress, DOJ. Header photo: @pennstatetom. My book:

Sep 13, 2018, 14 tweets

Aaaand #Kavanaugh has returned answers for all these questions in a 263 page document. Put on some coffee and let's go through them.…

Kavanaugh answers a question from @SenFeinstein about his use of the term "abortion-inducing drugs," which was tweeted about by Hillary Clinton and others. Only recounting plaintiff's assertions, he says.

Kavanaugh says his description of Roe v. Wade in a 2003 email was comments on the view of legal scholars, and "did not describe my own views."

#Kavanaugh on @fred_guttenberg, the father of a #Parkland, Fla., high school shooting who approached him during confirmation hearing: "If I had known who he was... I would have listened to him."

Asked about whether a president can pressure agencies for political purposes, Kavanaugh says he will never bow to any pressure from "any president, any Senator, or any other political actor."

#Kavanaugh doesn't answer @SenFeinstein question about whether Roe v. Wade was discussed at his mock hearings to prepare

#Kavanaugh does not answer whether he believes human activities contribute to or cause climate change

Asked once again about Trump's comments on the judiciary, #kavanaugh declines to take the bait and "be drawn into political controversy."

In response to @SenWhitehouse question about gambling, #Kavanaugh said he has not had gambling debts or participated in "fantasy" leagues.

Kavanaugh: "I am a huge sports fan." Here's his description of his baseball ticket purchasing history for those interested.

When a #Kavanaugh question turns sweet

#Kavanaugh a no on Nazis

(with a CQ product placement in the middle)

#Kavanaugh on Second Amendment and gun rights is a non-answer that typifies a lot of the #SCOTUS nominee's responses as "improper to comment"

#Kavanaugh disputes that he is pro-business

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