Jenan Moussa Profile picture
Roving the Middle East for Al-Aan TV. Reporting from Syria, Libya, Iraq & more. Found secret ISIS docs, mobiles & laptops. Horse rider. Arabic @JenanAlAan

Sep 17, 2018, 14 tweets

1/ Much cultural heritage was destroyed in Mid-East. Look at Palmyra, Mosul...

Luckily ancient Greek city of Cyrene in east Libya was spared.

We took a drone to Cyrene +horse tracks of Benghazi +ruins of Susa.

Fly with me above a Libya u don't often see

2/ Cyrene (in the town of Shahat) is just a stunning place.

Luckily ISIS/Qaeda never reached it but were kept near to Derna, around 60 km to the east. Nothing in Cyrene was vandalized.

The tribe of Shahhat protects this historic site.


3/ These days Cyrene is open to the public.

Not a lot of foreign visitors due to Libya's problems but many local people visit it.

I wouldn't say it was crowded but I saw around 100 visitors in one afternoon.


4/ Every Friday afternoon, there are horse races in Benghazi.

Many Libyan men - of all ages - take their horses to the track in the south of the city. Here they race and show their riding skills.

Very nice atmosphere. Check this pic.


5/ Some more pics of the horse races in Benghazi, Libya.

I am lucky that I could attend this.


6/ Just like you and I, the people of Benghazi love life.

Although the war only ended recently, there are some cool things to do in the city.

In the weekend, people go to the beach. Watch this guy on his jet ski at Bengahzi beach.


7/ When you get hungry, visit a traditional Libyan restaurant, like "Chef Khaled" restaurant in Benghazi.

There are a lot of local delicacies on the menu. Like the sheep head.

It requires courage to try but once you do, you realise that it tastes great.


8/ Barn find alert! When you have some time on your hands during your visit to #Benghazi, restore the old Porsche which once belonged to the Libyan royal family of king Idris.


9/ Of course I have a pic of me in Cyrene, Shahat. A photo to cherish.

Just to be able to walk in a place which is thousands of years old...

#Libya @akhbar

10/ And here is something I never expected to see in Benghazi.

There were 3 kite surfers at #Benghazi beach. And these guys were really good.

I was standing a bit far away as you see in video but impressive what these guys can do.


11/ One more thing about Libya: if u go there or if u have a Libyan friend, ask them to prepare Matrouda for you.

"Matrouda" is equivalent to a cheese cake for the people of the desert. Made of fresh bread, local butter, milk and dates.


12/ Thank u all for interacting with this report.

My aim was to show you some of the beautiful parts of #Libya. The Libya that u don't normally see in the news.

I just hope Libyans will put their differences aside &make their country a safe & prosperous place.


13/ And thank you @HaraldDoornbos for the amazing drone work. 🙏

14/ And one more last thing: a shout out to the cool guys at the #Benghazi motor club.

I wanted to film with them but it didn't work out. Hopefully next time.


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