Jenan Moussa Profile picture
Roving the Middle East for Al-Aan TV. Reporting from Syria, Libya, Iraq & more. Found secret ISIS docs, mobiles & laptops. Horse rider. Arabic @JenanAlAan
Sep 17, 2018 14 tweets 9 min read
1/ Much cultural heritage was destroyed in Mid-East. Look at Palmyra, Mosul...

Luckily ancient Greek city of Cyrene in east Libya was spared.

We took a drone to Cyrene +horse tracks of Benghazi +ruins of Susa.

Fly with me above a Libya u don't often see 2/ Cyrene (in the town of Shahat) is just a stunning place.

Luckily ISIS/Qaeda never reached it but were kept near to Derna, around 60 km to the east. Nothing in Cyrene was vandalized.

The tribe of Shahhat protects this historic site.

Sep 11, 2018 22 tweets 11 min read
1/ Six yrs after US consulate attack in Benghazi, I got NEW FOOTAGE.

In Benghazi I identified 17 extremists seen near/in consulate during attack.

6 out of 17 are in vid.

Witnesses say: Most of 17 killed/fled city. 1 lives in Berlin. 1 might be in Sweden 2/ As you know by now, my tv report for @akhbar is in Arabic.

But please do follow this thread where I will tweet out the relevant details in English.

Sep 5, 2018 14 tweets 6 min read
As world focused on ISIS in Raqqa& Mosul, another city was destroyed: Benghazi.

After ISIS &AlQaeda took city in 2014, Libyan army fought extremists &defeated them end 2017.

Price of victory high.

Our drone footage shows what's left of center Benghazi

2/ I have to tell you that when I recently arrived in Benghazi, I was really shocked by the destruction of the city.

Much worse than I thought it was.

As you can see in our drone video, center is fully destroyed during fighting between extremists & army.

Very painful to see.
Sep 4, 2018 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ I spent 3 weeks in east #Libya.

We were 1st foreign journalists to enter Derna after Libyan army began operation to clear city from ISIS, AlQaeda etc.

Army now controls large parts of Derna but extremists still in old city.

We took drone with us.

2/ Happy to be safe after 3 weeks in east Libya. Difficult area to reach.

I met great people in Benghazi. Thank u all for keeping me safe &helping me get great stories.

I'll update this Derna-thread in English later today. But 1st let me call my mom that I'm okay.

Aug 8, 2018 21 tweets 10 min read
1/ After recent gains by Syrian regime, all eyes now on Idlib.

Via intermediary I got in touch with 3 European jihadists in Idlib. I sent my questions+fixer to Idlib.

Jihadists expect an attack &say they'll fight till end.

My story, English subtitles.👇 2/ It's difficult to reach foreign jihadists in Idlib. And even more difficult to record interviews with them.

The 3 foreign fighters in Idlib I got in touch with via intermediary are from Holland (2) &from Belgium (1).

They've been in Syria 5+ yrs.


Aug 3, 2018 15 tweets 8 min read
1/ Today is 4th anniversary of Yazidi genocide by #ISIS. Thousands of Yazidis killed &enslaved.

In Syria I found #ISISfiles, some on treatment of women by ISIS.

Here my story for @akhbar

It's in Arabic but in thread I'll explain in English 2/ The #ISISfiles about women can be divided into 2 categories.

a. Restrictive laws mainly meant to control local female population in ISIS parts of Syria.

b. Rulings regarding behavior of ISIS-female members. What work can ISIS-women do? Can ISIS-women fight? Etc.

Jul 24, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
I recently visited #Hungary and went horseback riding in a Vincent van Gogh painting. Wonderful. On the pic I was actually riding a Lipizzaner, which are famous horses in central Europe with a long tradition in former Habsburg empire.

Next time I hope to visit Spanish Riding school in Vienna.
Jul 3, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ Remember the USB fan given to journos at Trump-Kim summit in Singapore?

USB story went viral. Tech geeks+media freaked out suggesting USB had spyware.

Minor detail: Nobody checked USB fan.

But we @akhbar got it checked: IT'S JUST A FAN. NOTHING MORE.
2/ When I was in Singapore & the USB fan story went viral, I was shocked.

Everybody (from social media to serious media like BBC and Le Monde) suggested USB was infected with spyware.

But nobody got the USB checked to see if that indeed was the case. So it was all assumption.
May 13, 2018 10 tweets 4 min read
1/ I'm back in studio &continuing my series on #ISISfiles which I found in Tabqa, Syria.

This story is on ISIS docs regarding fighters from US, Belgium, Holland, etc.

Judging by attacks in Paris+Indonesia, ISIS still active &dangerous.

English Thread.

2/ I found #ISISfiles mentioned in this report in abandoned ISIS-court in mosque in Syria.

Imam told me he wanted to burn docs.

I asked his permission to take docs for archiving purposes.

I've given copies to local+int bodies that help bring closure &justice to ISIS victims.
Apr 17, 2018 21 tweets 8 min read
1/ Many politicians &others who have never been on ground in Syria are saying ISIS was defeated.

That's premature. I went with SDF to ISIS front near DeirEzzor.

Battle far from over. 1000s of ISIS still there. Check my @akhbar story & thread in English. 2/ Before I go into details about my visit to front with ISIS, let me show you where it is on the map.

From Hasakah in north to the south near Hajin, north of Al Bukamal. Some desert parts spooky &isolated.

Yellow=SDF/Americans, Red=SAA/Russians, black=ISIS. Blue our route:
Apr 8, 2018 25 tweets 11 min read
1/ EXCLUSIVE: I had first TV interview with notorious ISIS member from UK, part of group dubbed "The Beatles".

Accused of beheading reporters, he was caught by Kurds.

I met him face to face. He got angry at me. Interview in English for @akhbar.


2/ I just tweeted 1st part of my exclusive TV interview with El Shafee Elsheikh, ISIS member from UK. He's suspected member of notorious ISIS group "The Beatles".

Find below final part of interview for @akhbar. Nope, he didn't like my set of questions.

Mar 25, 2018 16 tweets 7 min read
1/ ISIS did so many crazy things that hardly anything surprises the outside world any more.

But docs I found at regional ISIS-court in Tabqa, #Syria show Syrians suffered from this daily ISIS extremism.

I made top 10 of oddest court cases.

Here my 2nd story on #ISISfiles. 👇 2/ As most of you noticed, my 2nd story on the #ISISfiles is in Arabic. But in this thread I'll tweet some points in English to explain the report a bit. Do check. @akhbar
Mar 22, 2018 16 tweets 12 min read
1/ ISIS files I found in Syria show slavery of Yazidis much more institutionalized than previously known.

Docs reveal:

ISIS paid fighters $50 p/m per slave
ISIS Human Resources booklets give number of slaves
ISIS Ministry of Health cards mention nbr of slaves

#ISISfiles 👇👇👇 2/ I found ISIS receipt book with “records of financial support for Mujahid”. It shows monthly salary each fighter gets from ISIS, based on family situation.

Receipt book shows ISIS fighter gets $50 per month if he has a slave &$35 if he has child of a slave.

@akhbar #ISISfiles
Jan 29, 2018 9 tweets 5 min read
1/ Huge story developing right now. Big Turkish army convoy including APCs drove thru HTS controlled Idlib in Syria heading towards AlEis, a rebel controlled frontline with Syrian gov forces &allies. Turkish army convoy was escorted whole time by AlQaeda linked HTS group. @akhbar 2/ Here is an interesting detail. Russian planes were in the sky as the Turkish convoy drove through HTS controlled Idlib province. They even bombed 15 KMs away from the convoy. So big question now: Is the Turkish convey moving with the approval or in defiance of the Russians?
Nov 3, 2017 14 tweets 5 min read
1/ One place I always wanted to visit: Yezidi temple in Laliş. It's holiest place in Yezidi faith. Y'day I went there. So beautiful. @akhbar 2/ Laliş &temple of Yezidis is located 30 kms from Dohuk, 50 from Mosul. I drove there with @HaraldDoornbos, who took some pics with phone.
Oct 17, 2017 8 tweets 4 min read
1- Game over for ISIS in #Raqqa. They lost capital of their caliphate. Same guys, not long time ago, bragged about conquering Rome. @akhbar 2- Defeat of ISIS in Raqqa came at huge cost. Many killed, city destroyed. See this 360 pic we took in July in Raqqa
Aug 3, 2017 44 tweets 5 min read
1/ When I was in Syria, ISIS women told me how Yazidi slaves had to endure virginity tests, rapes &jealous ISIS wives. Thread in English.👇 2/ Today marks 3yrs after horrible ISIS slaughter of Yazidis in Sinjar. At least 3100 male Yazidis killed, 7000+ women &children enslaved.
Jun 25, 2017 22 tweets 5 min read
1- #BREAK North of Raqqa, I met Lebanese wife of Tunisian ISIS fighter. Tried to flee Raqqa to Turkey. Caught by Kurds. Now in refugee camp. 2- Give me a sec and I'll explain in English in couple of tweets what the Lebanese wife of the Tunisian ISIS fighter told me.