foone Profile picture
Hardware / software necromancer, collector of Weird Stuff, maker of Death Generators. (they/them) Patreon: ko-fi:

Oct 4, 2018, 11 tweets


pushed an update to auto-word-wrap.

Pushed another update: You can now change the timezone (in case you want to make it look like you're in CA!) and the timezone indicator automatically adjusts to fit longer text.

This is still limited. It can't resize the background (yet) so you can't put anything too long in there, like the complete script of The Bee Movie.
I'll fix that up later. It'll just require changing how the background is generated.

I'm gonna add iphone-style alerts too, so you can do ones like this:

ANYWAY. #PresidentialAlert #PresidentialAlertSystem hashtags to let people easily find this

and of course, feel free to support me on patreon:

I'm too lazy to do it right now but I think tomorrow I'll make a bot to automatically grab random @dril tweets and retweet them using this generator.
or maybe just randomly selected generators

I accidentally created deusex @dril

created! @DrilAlerts

posts every 4 hours

Correction: posts 4 times a day
Crontab is hard

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