Pushed another update: You can now change the timezone (in case you want to make it look like you're in CA!) and the timezone indicator automatically adjusts to fit longer text.
This is still limited. It can't resize the background (yet) so you can't put anything too long in there, like the complete script of The Bee Movie.
I'll fix that up later. It'll just require changing how the background is generated.
I'm gonna add iphone-style alerts too, so you can do ones like this:
and of course, feel free to support me on patreon: patreon.com/foone
I'm too lazy to do it right now but I think tomorrow I'll make a bot to automatically grab random @dril tweets and retweet them using this generator.
or maybe just randomly selected generators
So if you ever wanted A Surprise Over Phones, I've now got my specialized 1980s DuoFone Cassette Answering Machine hooked up to a toll-free (US) number, thanks to the telephony skills of @gewt.
That's 1-855-848-9054
The only toll-free number you can call with SIMULATED ROSEWOOD GRAIN FINISH!
unless @lazygamereviews has one? damn, he probably does.
fun fact: the tape is only 60 seconds long, but we keep measuring the playback time as 1 minute 9 seconds.
So the tape player must be playing 15% too slow? which is okay, because it also recorded at 15% too slow.
(This also means it's now 69 seconds)
So I got this Socket 370-based SBC and it is in supposedly working condition, but check out these bits here. don't they look like they're supposed to have caps there?
and looking at the bottom, it looks like they got desoldered.
And check it out: I have almost the same card, but a slightly earlier revision and without the network bits populated.
And guess what: CAPS ARE THERE
so while these are probably just for stability or some such and are perfectly fine to leave off... I'm gonna err on the side of caution and replace them before I try powering this thing up.
I started work on a project today: I'm assigning location labels to all the shelves in my storage room, so I can start building a database to keep track of what I have and where it is.
Naturally I'm using the combined power of 1. Barcodes 2. Comic Sans MS
and I'm SHAMELESSLY ripping off the organization scheme that we used back when I was helping organize paper weather records for the US government. They did a lot of things wrong, for sure, but they had some good ideas about how to keep track of where boxes are.
The idea with this scheme is that each shelf has a label like [1][AA][2]00.
The first digit is location: 1 for "storage unit 1", AA for "shelving rack AA", and 2 for "second shelf from the floor". 00 means "the shelf itself". items on the shelf start at 01, if they're barcoded
Food is fine, I just think it should be more consensual. I mean, at this point in my life I've eaten like 25,000 times at least, and I wanted to eat maybe 1000 of those times
But apparently if I don't eat, I have to suffer and die?
This is coercive and unethical and I hate it.
I complained about this an hour ago and it didn't help! I still feel like shit!
Did I eat? Well, no, but still.