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Oct 4, 2018, 10 tweets

Explosive Report Details Chinese Infiltration Of Apple, Amazon And The CIA | Zero Hedge #ChineseInfiltration Of #Apple, #Amazon⁠ ⁠ And The #CIA |…

One week ago @POTUS stood up at a meeting of UN Security Council and accused #China of attempting to tamper with US elections. In his speech @realDonaldTrump claimed #China was working to undermine the Republicans, warning that “it’s not just #Russia its #ChinaAndRussia

Most notably, in addition to efforts designed to sway US elections, #China’s intelligence community, orchestrated a pervasive infiltration of servers used to power everything from MRI machines, to the drones used by the #CIA and #Army

Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, not part of the motherboard

Investigators determined that chips allowed the attacker’s to create a stealth doorway into ANY NETWORK that included the altered machines

@VP is expected to state in today’s speech:
“As a senior career memeber of our intelligence community recently told me, what the #Russians are@doing, pales in comparison to what #China is doing across this country”
#Elemental #CIA

Like many other companies, #Elemental’s servers utilized motherboards built by #Supermicro which dominates the market for motherboards used in #SpecialPurposeComputers
It was here, at #Supermicro where the gov believes the #Infiltration began.

In espionage circles, #Infiltrating computer hardware, especially to the degree the #Chinese did, is EXTREMELY DIFFICULT to pull off.
“Hardware is just so off the radar, it’s almost treated like black magic”

Both #Amazon and #Apple have denied having knowledge of the infiltration (Amazon acquired #Elemental and integrated it into #AmazonPrime video services) Meanwhile #ChineseGov has issued a conspicuous non-denial denial

The most galling aspect of this whole #Scandal is that the #ObamaAdminstration should’ve seen it coming. Thanks to #Obama having #DroppedTheBall
#China managed to pull office most #ExpansiveInfiltration of the #GlobalSupplyChain ever discovered by US intelligence.

Notably, this revelation provides even more support to the #TrumpAdministration’s insistence that the #TradeWarWithChina was based on #NationalSecurity concerns. The hope is that more US companies will shift production of #SensitiveComponents back to USA

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