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Oct 6, 2018, 11 tweets

More than meets the eye. By removing itself from World Medical Assoc (@medwma), Canadian Medical Assoc (@CMA_Docs) appears to be attempting to remove itself &🇨🇦’s MDs from International Code of #MedicalEthics. Why?…

#ethics #cdnpoli #onpoli

Some MDs in international medical community stating that it was @medwma’s criticism of CMA re below & #CMA not accepting its International Code of #MedicalEthics that led to CMA resignation


#hippocraticoath #consciencerights #ethics #cdnpoli #cdnhealth

World Medical Association @medwma developed modernized #HippocraticOath w/ #DeclarationOfGeneva in 1948 after WW2 atrocities & has had highest standard of International Code of #MedicalEthics for ~10M MDs globally... EXCEPT for 🇨🇦’s MDs since @CMA_Docs’ exit
#cdnpoli #cdnhealth🆘

Oct4, 2018: CMA &Dutch Med Assoc (KNMG) withdrew motion at @medwma Meeting in #Iceland d/t lack of international support. Motion: WMA to be neutral on (not condemn) ALL MD assisted suicide & euthanasia of patients (unrestricted)

Oct6: CMA abruptly walked out of meeting &resigned

This is not the first time CMA has stormed out of a medical meeting. In April 2018, CMA VP Professionalism Dr. Jeff Blackmer had also abruptly left the Cdn Cannabinoid Annual Conference claiming “personal attacks”, including someone making a “rude face” at him
#cdnpoli #cdnhealth

Dr Leonid Eidelman, new WMA Pres, apologized publicly at @medwma #Iceland Meeting once aware. His speech was written by a hired speech writer. Dr Eidelman is former Head of Israeli Med Assoc. 2011-he went on a hunger strike for better healthcare in #Israel…

In 2017, Dr. Leonid Eidelman, while Head of the #Israeli Medical Association, had instructed Israeli MDs not to force-feed Palestinian prisoners on a hunger strike in accordance to @medwma’s International Code of #MedicalEthics…

1946: 🇨🇦was 1 of 10 counties to establish & Chair an Organizing Committee of MDs that then founded World Medical Assoc @medwma in 1947 with 29 countries

2018: WMA includes 114 countries & >10M MDs

Oct 6, 2018: CMA resigned Canada from WMA- ZERO consultation w/Cdn MDs #cdnpoli🆘

“Purpose of @medwma is to serve humanity by endeavoring to achieve the highest international standards” in #Medicine. Canada was a founding member & after 71yrs, CMA’s abrupt departure leaves 37M Cdns & 85K MDs without any international oversight of CMA’s #MedicalEthics. #cdnpoli

By removing itself from @medwma, @CMA_Docs plans to replace International Code of #MedicalEthics w/CMA’s new draconian unethical version to ensure MDs adopt its political ideology under guise of “#ethics” while stripping MDs of freedom of conscience entirely
#cdnpoli #cdnhealth🆘

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