Seth Abramson Profile picture
NYT bestselling author, journalist, historian and attorney. THREADS: PROOF: RETRO:

Sep 8, 2020, 35 tweets

(CONTEST THREAD) This thread compiles entries in the ongoing Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. To enter, a) photoshop the image below into a photo of your choice, b) use the hashtag #ProofofCorruption, c) post it here.

Top 4 get named—with handle—here; winner gets a signed book.

(ENTRIES) In this thread I'll include the top entries from the original contest thread—don't worry, I saw them all and will keep checking back there to see if there are new contenders. Future entries should be posted as comments in this thread with the hashtag #ProofofCorruption.

(ENTRIES 2) More contenders in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. Keep 'em coming! Post your photoshopped images of the cover—putting it in any scene you think works for book promotion—as a reply to the first tweet in this thread. And please use the hashtag #ProofofCorruption!

(ENTRIES 3) More Proof of Corruption Shop Contest contenders. Top four entires get their own tweet here on the feed—including the author's handle—and the winner gets a signed copy of Proof of Corruption (incidentally, the only copy of the book itself I've ever signed, as of now).

(ENTRIES 4) I've been astounded by the quality of the entries—and how many came in so quickly. We had 30+ within an hour or so of me posting the first contest thread. Hopefully these revised rules will encourage continued brilliance by the readers of this feed! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 5) Here are 4 more contenders (there are 20 contenders from the first contest thread). But the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest very much remains *open*! I encourage as many people to join as wish to do so. See the first tweet in this thread for rules. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 6) Just checked my entry folder again and realized there are 4 more contenders from the first contest thread—for a total of *24* total images currently in contention. But I'm certain some of the images posted in this thread will give them a run for it! #ProofofCorruption

(BOOK) For those wondering what this is about, and why it's happening now, my book Proof of Corruption is—as I write this—67 minutes from release, so I'm celebrating with a contest.

If you'd like to order the hardcover, ebook, or audiobook, here's a link:…

(ENTRIES 7) More contenders.

(ENTRIES 8) More contenders! (Remember to put the hashtag #ProofofCorruption in your entry tweets, to be certain I see them. And needless to say, if you're simply commenting on the many amazing entries in the "Proof of Corruption Shop Contest," feel free to use the hashtag also!)

(ENTRIES 9) Just floored by what I'm seeing. More contenders below. For a moment I wanted to say the copy of Proof of Corruption being clutched by the Queen of England like a protective barrier between her and Trump was too big... then I thought, no, it's *way* funnier oversized.

(ENTRIES 10) I feel like maybe this contest is giving folks a chance to be creative and do something fun in a dark time? I hope so—I really do. I can tell you that this is the most I have smiled in a long time. I mean that. Some more contest contenders below. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 11) I laughed, I gasped, I gagged. The Proof of Corruption Shop Contest has brought *all* the feelings and emotions. *Wow*—keep 'em coming! At this rate—I'll have to see—we may end up with multiple signed-copy winners. Not sure how I'm going to choose. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 12) Y'all are making this damn near impossible to judge. The scope of the creativity here... color me beyond impressed. More contenders below. #ProofofCorruption

(PS) I advise those of you looking at the latest LEGO Proof of Corruption Shop Contest entry to save it to your desktop or find some other way to see it in *thumbnail* size—as you will be floored. I know I was. More contenders coming soon.

(ENTRIES 13) We're up to 52 contenders! I hope you'll look through them when you get a chance—many are *really* jawdropping—and consider tweeting them out under the #ProofofCorruption hashtag. Book-promoting aside, *so much here* is hilarious, beautiful, innovative, or all three.

(PS2) More contenders are incoming soon! I'll be extending this contest for at least 48 hours, to give everyone a chance to be involved in the "Proof of Corruption Shop Contest" who wants to be involved. See the first tweet in this thread for the contest rules. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 14) More entries for the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest! Their creativity is outstanding. (Guidelines are in the first tweet in this thread.) If you like one in particular—see this thread—I hope you'll tweet it with the hashtag #ProofofCorruption! More contenders here:

(ENTRIES 15) In choosing contenders for the final awards—with this tweet there'll be 60 contenders, but the contest will be open for at least a couple more days—I consider creativity, humor, photoshopping quality and the image's appropriateness to/for the work. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 16) The range of images and moments from Trump's presidency covered in the entries to the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest is truly astounding. Kanye makes his second appearance here—but Mitch McConnell and Stormy Daniels appear now for the first time. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 17) Obama, Putin, face masks, the MAGA hat redone as a Proof of Corruption artifact—a bit of a cheat for this contest, but it's inventive so I let it slide—again we see the full range of Trump obsessions in play in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 18) Now it's baseball, "faux-bama," video of a metaphorical "red flag" indicating corruption—shown here in snapshot—and another #metamodern entry (added to an Indiana Jones one) putting Proof of Corruption into an existing narrative project. Very cool! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 19) How could any of us have forgotten SCOTUS? Or MBS and Manafort? Shrewd readers have remedied these oversights in this most recent batch of contenders in the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. Keep the entries coming, and post/tag your favorite ones! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 20) Who's in? John Kelly is in. Trump's steaming hot covfefe is in. Michael Cohen is in. And some Barr submissions just came in. Look at the shadow work on that Trump-hurricane-relief image—it really reminds us how little Trump cares about human life. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 21) Make no mistake—this book is deadly serious. It describes harrowing crimes that endanger our country. And usually my feed is deadly serious, too. But I think even in the darkness, there has to be laughter. Thus the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 22) There's room for 12 more contenders—to make it 100 total—before I choose winners (see the first tweet for the rules of the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest). So get those final entries in, if you want! Some abstract art in this batch! And Mr. Bill! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 23) The competition will be fierce for the final 8 spots (among 100 total contenders)! I admit that I laughed really hard at one of these—you can probably guess which one. Please know that it wasn't vanity, but *laughter*, that got it to the final 100! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 24) These are the last 4 contenders (of 96 total) for the Proof of Corruption Shop Contest. I'll be announcing finalists shortly, and then I'll select the 4 winners (including the winner of a signed copy of Proof of Corruption!) soon after. Stay tuned! #ProofofCorruption

(ENTRIES 25) As it turns out, we *did* have 100 contenders! Sorry for the mixup. One of these is also a finalist—the wonderful Princess Bride callback. The Donald-in-bed one is nightmare-inducing. Figuring out how to manage the 26 finalists now. More very soon! #ProofofCorruption

(PS) Just seeing a few entries now. This one is also a finalist (there are now 27!) #ProofofCorruption

(PS2) Put this last one up as my feed header—just for fun, just while I'm figuring out the winners! #ProofofCorruption

(PS3) Another one I almost missed: Proof of Corruption as a fine wine. Finalist #27!

(PS4) Finalist #28.

(PS5) I think this is the best shop of this concept, so it's the last finalist (#29) before I make the final selections.

(PS6) I like round numbers, and I can't say "no" to making this one a finalist: #30.

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