Elemi Fuentes 🇫️🇺️🇨️🇰️ Profile picture
The truth is mightier than the sword. Revolution is in the air.

May 6, 2018, 8 tweets

391-All this would be just a coincidence except...
That infamous #SpiritCooking' from #Wikileaks “Cooking w/ Fratelli Podesta”
Participants included J. & Tony Podesta, #Alefantis & First Lady of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Dorothy McAuliffe (wife Terry McAuliffe) + 90 guests

392-Look at the email wikileaks.org/podesta-emails… & click on attachments & download the guest list.
Guess who is there? Conrad #Cafritz
in a 2 hour event with not time for cooking, what exactly did happened there? 🤔

Coincidences #Pizzagate is #FakeNews

393-Bill & Buffy (Pam's Cafritz parents from #NXIVM sex cult) which also have their own charity 'Buffy And William Cafritz Family Foundation ' are all tied to the same charities as the rest of the cousins & of course, the #Clintons & #SpiritCooking

394- #Cafritz family, the #Folgers, the #Maccobys, the #Clintons, the #Podestas, the #Rockefellers, the #Bronfmans all donate heavily to #PlannedParenthood

Do you want to know why?



Most babies are born alive❗️

395-To wrap it up with the #Cafritz family & #spiritcooking & get back to #Abramovic's friends, just one last thing.

What are they odds that the the #Cafritzs have ties with the @CIA (hello 🤡)? 🤔

The 2 obvious connections:

1- Carter's #Cafritz ex wife Mary Melissa Berthold

2- Conrad's #Cafritz ex-wife, Jennifer Stats Reynolds, went on to marry Laughlin Phillips, an analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).

There are more ways I could link them but this is enough to get you folks digging & I want to move into other things with Marina

397-Been meaning to add this for ages
Connects Richard #Branson, #Podesta, #Mccann (where is Maddie?), Ernie #Allen ( #CMEC), #EPSTEIN, #NeckerIsland & of course all leads back the #Clintons 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

#ICMEC - international center for missing and exploited children

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