I don't often share #woo here for various reasons. Today I'm compelled to share that Mars goes retrograde at 5:04 pm EST. I'm a bit worried abt widespread violence. We must fight back against this grave injustice, but we must do so peacefully. LOUDLY, but peacefully 1/
This is all about rage. Right now all good, non-racist Americans feel righteous rage. The kind that fuels movements. We need to use this constructively, carefully and control it to win this fight, rather than allowing it to explode. Trump WANTS us to erupt in violence 2/
#StephenMiller, who has been strategically inflaming us with outrageous, disgusting trolling (eating in Mexican restaurants, etc): wants us to erupt: they want a Reichstag Fire. They may send instigators into our protests. Brownshirts. Watch for this. Protect each other 3/
Tonight is a night for emergency action. It is truly an EMERGENCY for our democracy. A fascist stole our election and he's now implementing exactly what he planned to. We need to be in the streets to protect our sisters and brothers and our constitution. But please remember 4/
That the energy is as volatile as it can possibly be. The convergence of the response to Maxine Waters/Sarah Sanders, babies in cages, and the upholding of the #MuslimBan on the same day that Mars goes retrograde: that's some SERIOUS SHIT. March with love. Fight with love. 5/
Control and direct your righteous rage appropriately. Stay safe. Protect your comrades. Look for instigators. Know that this is a long fight and we can't win tonight. It's going to be a long, hot, revolutionary summer. Mars will be retrograde until August 26th. 6/