Democrats are really bad at this game.
We run from one catastrophe to the next with our hair on fire, and our rhetoric becomes increasingly desperate in the process. We fail to understand regional politics and how our rhetoric is used against us in purple districts. #AbolishICE
There are plenty of things about #ICE that need to be changed. But the only way to change that is by being in power. How can we not see that the idea to #AbolishICE can be used as a broad message of @TheDemocrats being anit-law enforcement and for #OpenBorders???
Just today, I was listening to the @MSignorile show, and he promoted #AbolishICE as a good slogan for Dems to run on. I would ask Mr Signorile to look at the political calculus for #RedState Dems who'll be forced to defend that rhetoric and oppose #Trump's #SCOTUS pick
This idea that, because @Ocasio2018 promoted #AbolishICE in her campaign and won, that all Dems in every state should do the same, is similar to spending your paycheck on Weight Watchers because Oprah lost 40 pounds.
Every case is different, and it might not work for you.
We need moderates to win in the #2018Midterms---something that @MSignorile and others in the base fail to realize. #AbolishICE is not a moderate position---at all.
Nor do I agree with it.
I think that #ICE can be curtailed. But there's a lot that it does that is necessary.
Right now, we have the ball.
The #Trump policy of separating families has awoken many in this country.
We should be forcing them to defend it---not forcing our candidates to defend an idea that is easily contorted into an #OpenBorders attack.
It's just dumb.
Learn to fight wisely
When I was called back to service in 2004 for the Iraq War, I was attached to a California reserve unit.
They were 99% Hispanic, and some weren’t citizens.
I was one of three white guys in that unit. But I never felt like that, since they treated me like family. #ImmigrantVets
As much as our nation has scorned and shunned Hispanic immigrants, I would’ve understood if they treated me as an outsider.
I would’ve been disappointed, but understanding.
But that’s not what happened.
And they were some of the finest Marines I’ve served with. #ImmigrantVets
The Hispanic Marines I served with welcomed me into their unit.
Since then I’ve learned a few things. Hispanics have no problem assimilating into our society, or welcoming us into their homes.
We do.
We push them to edge and find ways to keep them there. #ImmigrantVeterans#Vets
@RonaldOClair@tqnews I read up on you Ron, and I think I know why you support Trump.
You were unaccustomed to what poverty does to different people, when you first saw it come into your area.
But you, like many Trump supporters, pass judgement without considering your own problems.
@RonaldOClair@tqnews You saw—and I’ll quote you—“riffraff, junkies and crack-whores”—come into your area, and you weren’t having any of it.
But the reason really wasn’t because of their vices, was it?
It’s was their race.
Because you, yourself were an addict.
@RonaldOClair@tqnews But your drug of choice wasn’t crack, it was alcohol.
And though you call them “crack-whores”, didn’t you have a relationship with a prostitute that nearly resulted in marriage?
I guess your addiction was better, and she was “one of the good ones”—a common theme on the right.
I’m starting to see firsthand, how Russia used support for Bernie Sanders to divide us.
I supported Sanders, and many accounts which I still follow are starting to come into focus.
I’m compiling a list of those accounts that have a clear goal of dividing us. #2018Midterms
One obvious sign is when an account is critical of US foreign policy, which deserves criticism, but defends Russia.
Search the term “Russiaphobia”, and you’ll find plenty of accounts to keep an eye on. #Russia2018#Putin
Right now, it appears as though there’s a major PR push for Finland—which has me very concerned.
Many pro-Russia accounts are trying to create a narrative of Finnish people being in favor of Russia.
In the past, such campaigns are a prequel to a hostile military action. #Crimea