Who was the #FBI director during this time!? “While Washington officials told the Minneapolis division to hold off examining Moussaoui's laptop and pursuing possible terrorist connections, Rowley told of repeated and futile attempts to get the cooperation of headquarters.”
Yep #Mueller “She wrote to Mueller that had the investigation been allowed to proceed as requested, "it's at least possible we could have gotten lucky and uncovered one or two more of the terrorists in flight training prior to Sept. 11th, just as Moussaoui was discovered,"
“In addition, FBI supervisors were allowed to make changes in affidavits filed from Minneapolis, a practice Rowley said was "fundamentally wrong.”
“"I feel that certain facts," she wrote, "have up to now been omitted, downplayed, glossed over and/or mischaracterized in an effort to avoid or minimize personal and/or institutional embarrassment on the part of the FBI."
#MonicaMcLean#DrFordBestie "both McLean and Robinson, to the extent of their participation in the government cover-ups, are in fact terrorists and assassins for their secondary roles in the perjurious defending of the fbi's (and the cia's) high crimes, misdemeanors and crimes...
“Trump advisor Kellyanne Conway told CNN in an interview that Trump believes it’s “somebody in national security” and said she doesn’t think it is a White House official.” Trump eyes 'four or five' people who may be behind anonymous NYT article fxn.ws/2CAMBLi#FoxNews
@LisaMei62 “For years, the liberal media covered up this explosive information, but now the truth behind Hillary’s shocking termination is being exposed, and it could stop her from ever becoming president.”
@LisaMei62 Why? “Because she was a liar,” Zeifman said in a 2008 interview. “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee, and the rules of confidentiality.”
“We are now within 90 days of the most important midterm election of our lifetime and we need to fight with everything we have to create a red wave this November.”
“It's important that we start with the historical picture in mind. On average, the party that wins the White House loses 15 House Seats in the midterm election.
That's our starting point. Anything less than 15 lost seats is a victory and defies the average.”
“What we do in the next 90 days truly matters and can make a difference.