A bit of context-setting (plus explanation of our imaginative colour coding).
The White Paper is in part an effort by UK govt to prove a NI-specific #backstop to be unnecessary. But remember Protocol for NI/IRL in the Withdrawal Agmt is abt much more than a customs border.
A reminder of where we are up to on that Protocol on NI/IRL in the draft Withdrawal Agreement.
With added stars 🌟 to identify which bits the White Paper attempts to address (or negate) most directly.
The 1st of 3 slides comparing the commitments made in the Joint UK-EU Report (bit.ly/2Bgjvj6) to what we have here in the White Paper.
Green background identifies UK/EU agreement.
Yellow background: work required.
Red font: what is still not addressed in WP.
Following on from the above, this slide shows quite how much is at least namechecked in the #WhitePaper when it comes to North/South cooperation.
In & of itself, that list marks v.welcome progress. But there's still a way to go, as we can see by text frm the Joint Report.
Last of the three slides comparing the Joint Report commitments and the White Paper.
Inc. new fave phrase of UK Govt: 'constitutional & economic integrity of the UK'.
Note WP's specific mention of Border Inspection Posts as physical infrastructure.
A simple overview of border checks & controls
+ a simple summary of the ways the #WhitePaper seeks to make them unnecessary.
[We resisted temptation to turn this table into a 'cakeometer'🍰🎂]
Now we turn to the UK's alternative #backstop, i.e. the Technical Note on temporary #customs arrangement that was published in early June. bit.ly/2xPOwJz
It was meant to be an all-UK solution for Irish #border issue.
Comparison with White Paper is enlightening.
Another slide comparing Technical Note with White Paper.
We know what the EU said in response to it bit.ly/2NUwcmH
FWIW, it was an ambitious attempt by UK to engage on an all-UK basis with need to avoid customs checks on @BorderIrish.
Where does the WP leave it?
Finally, a sketchy summary of key points of progress, & key areas needing more work.
Next (aside from #CustomsBill furore) keep an eye on what UK puts forward for text on #Protocol.
This is still crucial cos no Protocol = no Withdrawal Agmt = no transition = hard exit.
Getting the feeling that there's too much #brexit#backstop bravado and too little sense?
Howsabout a 4 slide summary from @DPhinnemore & me setting out what we can be pretty sure of and what the UK/EU (dis)agree on - as viewed from Northern Ireland.
1st: a lack of progress on the Protocol on NI/IRL in the draft Withdrawal Agmt.
All these colours have to turn green (i.e. agreed in principle & text) before we get that Deal for exit day next March.
Note that red circle - backstop is intended to be trumped at some point. 2/5
2nd: a summary of what is agreed on and what is still missing re: @BorderIrish and NI.
Note the extent of Northern Ireland-specific arrangements.
You've seen a version of this a couple of months ago. Not much progress here since you last saw it.
A quick response to the ERG report on @BorderIrish.
First, to be welcomed:
- It has been published
- It underlines that a ‘hard’ border NI/IRL is ‘totally undesirable’
- It sees customs measures as not altering NI's constitutional position
- It makes no mention of drones. 1/
It interprets 'no hard border' specifically to mean 'no physical infrastructure at the border'.
This appears to mean no limit to checks + inspections away from the border & entailing huge administrative burdens for cross-border traders.
So ‘no hard border’ ≠ frictionless. 2/
Vision of what could be done post-Brexit rests on several assumptions:
no UK-EU tariffs; broad ‘equivalence’; continuation of privileges of EU membership (e.g. access to VIES); close bilateral cooperation with Ireland;
and unfalteringly deep UK-EU mutual trust.
There is a lot that is very welcome & very good to see in the UK Govt #Brexit White Paper, from the point of view of Northern Ireland, North/South cooperation & @BelfastAgmt
There is repeated mention of the UK & EU 'meeting their shared commitments to Northern Ireland & Ireland', esp. in Exec Summary.
And it states the UK wishes to see a future UK-EU partnership 'honouring the letter & the spirit of the Belfast (‘Good Friday’) Agreement'.
Evidence of honouring the letter of @BelfastAgmt comes primarily in relation to areas of north/south cooperation.
The Mapping Exercise of cross-border links conducted before the Joint Report of Dec'17 appears to be bearing fruit in the form of specific areas identified here.
First blatant non-sequitur of the #WhitePaper: FTA will give continued frictionless access at the UK/EU border.
Unless working assumption is that the 'friction' can be managed 'away from' the border, which is a distinct possibility.
Will keep reading...
It's a 'free trade area', but not as we know it.
Both 'the letter & the spirit' of @BelfastAgmt to be honoured in #Brexit.
The UK will agree an operational legal text for a #backstop for NI... but will negotiate a future partnership that ensures that this will not have to be used.
In keeping with Joint Report of 8th Dec.17