1/ The disgusting delights of the elites: a #qanon read.
2/ Why would a billionaire who has it all run for President? #qanon told us:
- because he could not stomach the thought of children being kidnapped, drugged and raped while leaders/law enforcement turned a blind eye.
- because he could not stomach the idea of mass murders occuring to satisfy Moloch.
- perhaps he was tired of races/countries being constantly abused/kept in need/poor and suffering all for a specific purpose.
8/ Moloch worship goes back to Old Testament times. 2 Kings 23 contains a 100% accurate description of how it works: the child 'passes through the fire as an offering to Moloch.'
Sometimes this is a huge idol of a bull, heated red hot, sometimes an owl.
9/ The point is that this satanic practice is alive and well and practiced by those who rule. Many of them.
"Many in our govt worship Satan."
"These people worship Satan - some openly show it"
- #qanon
10/ Then there was this post of his that laid it all out explicitly. The puppet masters - Saud, Rothschild and Soros - regularly visited Epstein Island to worship Satan and sacrifice kids to Moloch.
12/ Children are an essential raw material for the elites: they sacrifice them to Moloch, they murder, rape and abuse them as part of satanic rituals and they harvest their organs to live longer.
13/ "The only wealth in this world is children; more than all the money, power on earth, you are my treasure."
This is a quote from Godfather III, a signature #qanon put on a lot of his posts. Clearly the elites need a steady supply of children for their habits.
14/ So they traffic them all over the global. Wars and disasters create displaced children and orphans, ripe for picking. Like in Syria or Kosovo or Haiti in 2010:
15/ A lot of us suspected that the elites were child rapists after #FBIAnon's drops, Podesta's emails and what surfaced in #Pizzagate but Q took it to another level: the elites are the traffickers as well. It is an integral component of the global economy.
16/ Child trafficking and pedo rings have always been connected to the highest levels of government all over the world. The establishment in the UK for example has been riddled with it for decades.
17/ The Belgian government was nearly brought down in the 1990s because of the Dutroux scandal. A particularly repulsive pedo was procuring children for senior members of the government and European royalty. Look it up if you want nightmares for months.
18/ In the US, the Franklin scandal threatened to engulf the White House. It didn't, mainly thanks to the tireless efforts of the FBI who threatened witnesses and destroyed evidence. When you're an elite pedo you can call on the best goons of all - taxpayer-funded ones. #qanon
19/ Because these EVIL SICK BASTARDS ARE STUPID, if I may borrow a quote from #qanon, they love to hide in plain sight. The amount of damning #Pizzagate evidence just on people's Instagram and Twitter accounts was ridiculous. #JamesGunn is a topical example.
20/ #qanon told us how we could identify stupid evil elites with this clever post.
>Left eye [marker] - Black left eye.
21/ Turns out quite a few famous men seem to get black eyes regularly and they always have some lame excuse.
The real reason is a needle driven under the left eye. Extremely painful but the initiate then 'eats the pain' for power. Behold. Yep, him too. Are you surprised?
22/ The black eye thing is part of a powerful ceremony of the satanic Left Hand Path. Interestingly there is one very famous person who sports a black RIGHT eye regularly: Prince Philip. This is probably because he is the current head of the 13 bloodlines. #qanon
- nearly all top elites worship satan
- they and their henchmen murder, rape and sacrifice children because their master requires it
- they've organized the world to feed this habit.
25/ Look at @realDonaldTrump's actions since October last year, you can see his priority: the children.
Top Saudis arrested, 3000+ children saved
Roths - attempted kidnapping
Epstein Island - shut down
NK - liberated from elites
Haiti - halted
12/22 EO on trafficking
26/ We would do well to stop whining about Mueller/Rosenstein/Sessions and how they are/are not traitors/ourguys or whatever for a bit. The real achievement has already happened in the shadows: global pedo networks have been destroyed.
@realDonaldTrump 28/ What's going to happen is the entire structure will collapse. No Roths, no Saudis, no Windsors funding and feeding the Eye. No fake wars started by Clowns to create refugees and chaos. No fake news anchors browsing catalogs of kids.
@realDonaldTrump 28/ No Disney directors spewing their sick perversions all over social media. No Hollywood stars wishing for children of people they don't like to be locked in cages and tortured. No music videos full of Monarch symbolism and pizza references.
29/ These people know judgement is coming with absolute certainty. Everything they've tried has been planned for: nuke aimed at Riyadh, nuke aimed at Hawaii, suitcase nukes and ICBMs from NK, attempted bomb in NYC, desperate pleas for deals - all have failed.
30/ And the judgement will be terrible. @realDonaldTrump is legendary for getting even. He is going to make an example of these people that will be talked about for the next thousand years.
Around Nov last year, something very big was lifted from the world. Probably to do with the Saudi upheaval but I'm sure there were secret operations against pure evil we'll never know about.
The number of mind control survivors who have come forward and spoken out since then is quite amazing. There's a definite shift. Even mentioning MK-ULTRA or Project Monarch ten years ago would get you flagged as insane.
Another strong hint that things are fast coming to a head: Crazy Days and Nights says October is going to be a very bad month for many sick and powerful people:
Multiple police reports were filed, against a low level operator, who is part of a big network of very evil people. This is only the beginning of a very bad month for many extremely sick and powerful people.
@MollyMcKew 'if you accept the core definition of terrorism as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims,"'
I do.
"...then there are few terms more apt to describe what this group has unleashed against their fellow Americans."
@Cernovich got James Gunn fired for being a pedo. You made the rules - "you get fired if we don't like what you say" - so we get to use them too.
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled.
Save and spread (once 11.3 verifies as first marker).
Biggest advance drop on pol.
Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.