If we want to move forward we all need to be louder.
We must be heard.
We must fight for TRUTH!
I was asked to commit to Q’s July statement of the truth being revealed to the world. I can’t do this. Not that I don’t want to but think logically. There are no guarantees in deadlines or statements in the QDrops. Things happen like the red tape delays of releasing information.
Some things are a leap of faith. I’ve invested years into what we are working on.
Why? Because we are at War.
It’s a War of Good v Evil.
I’ll never stop fighting for Truth, Honesty and Wisdom
- William Thomas
What if Q is a larp?
We all have those days of doubt but that’s why it’s called faith.
If Q is a larp, it’s a damn good one but I think it’s real.
It’s okay to question in fact question everything.
We all want arrest but that will take time.
We are seeing results everyday even if you don’t see them right away.
Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct and resist. The Senate must vote!