3/ In group cultures, people are loyal to the group in exchange for protection. Your identity is found in the group to which you belong. No person is 100% one or the other of course - we're all a mixture of both. However, by and large, black people are group culture, whites not.
4/ As a white English-speaking South African, I am effectively a Westerner - a member of an individual culture. We emphasize personal responsiblity for one's actions and our own abilities and hard work in our achievements.
Group cultures are not like this at all.
5/ In a group culture, loyalty to the group is rewarded with protection by the leaders of the group and benefits of being a member. The ancient near East for example is very group culture oriented - something that must be born in mind when reading the New Testament for example.
6/ This is really easy to see when black people write about leadership. In Ruel Khoza's book Let Africa Lead, he draws a diagram on page 9 (IIRC) where most of the space is taken up with the important tribal and group relationships. Very little is allocated to strategy or vision.
7/ He used to run our electricity utility. He ran it in to the ground, not because he was a bad leader but because eletricity utilities need to be run by Westerners who are individual culture-oriented if they are to function and deliver a service.
8/ Here's the mayor of the region a couple of miles away from where I live.
As far as I'm concerned, he can go fuck himself. My taxes pay for millions of black people to get free money every month. Not only that, but I personally support 9 black people directly every month.
9/ Because he's a member of a group culture, he assumes that I am personally responsible for my ancestors' actions.
Sorry dude. I am personally responsible for my own actions only and no-one else's.
10/ The land issue is amazingly complex. For a start the spirits of many black people's ancestors live on the land they came from - something I respect and have always acknowledged. But when it comes to some Afrikaaner land, they were there FIRST - the history is clear.
Peter is an amazing man with many years of experience living here and fighting apartheid. He understands the intractability of the land problem completely.
12/ He's also very aware of the spiritual connection people have to the land on this continent:
Africa is _different_ - more different that you suppose.
13/ If you want easy votes, then all you have to do is scream that the whites have stolen your land. Because of the deep-seated connections - both historical and spiritual - to the land and the fact that this is sometimes true, you're going to be popular.
13/ South Africa is being engineered for maximum chaos by the men behind the curtain. I've watched this carefully for a few years now and all the signs are there: ab chao, ordo. Out of chaos, order.
14/ #qanon told us what the framework was: the ruling families at the top of the hierarchy, the top bankers and financiers underneath, the multinationals under them, the reserve banks and finally the governments - the so-called elected representatives of the people. Hah.
15/ Things that make you go hmmmmm #1: a massive outbreak of virulent bird flu for no reason at all right in the region where we raise the most chickens:
18/ Things that make you go hmmmmm #4: the leader of an opposition party with 1m+ supporters says he has not called for the slaughter of white people yet:
He sees them and he's aware of what they're doing.
21/ Is the government involved in at least some farm murders? I think so.
22/ What happens when there is a process to restore the land? The dumb as a box of bricks minister spends the entire yearly budget on a corrupt and opaque settlement that doesn't benefit the people:
23/ Things that make you go hmmmmm #6: China and the IMF start hovering around with generous 'offers' just when our currency is being manipulated into oblivion. Not a good sign.
24/ Things that make you go hmmmmm #7: British PR firm Bell Pottinger was paid 100 000 pounds a month by the President's shady financiers, the Guptas, to stir up racial tension in the country:
Around Nov last year, something very big was lifted from the world. Probably to do with the Saudi upheaval but I'm sure there were secret operations against pure evil we'll never know about.
The number of mind control survivors who have come forward and spoken out since then is quite amazing. There's a definite shift. Even mentioning MK-ULTRA or Project Monarch ten years ago would get you flagged as insane.
Another strong hint that things are fast coming to a head: Crazy Days and Nights says October is going to be a very bad month for many sick and powerful people:
Multiple police reports were filed, against a low level operator, who is part of a big network of very evil people. This is only the beginning of a very bad month for many extremely sick and powerful people.
@MollyMcKew 'if you accept the core definition of terrorism as "the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims,"'
I do.
"...then there are few terms more apt to describe what this group has unleashed against their fellow Americans."
@Cernovich got James Gunn fired for being a pedo. You made the rules - "you get fired if we don't like what you say" - so we get to use them too.
Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled.
Save and spread (once 11.3 verifies as first marker).
Biggest advance drop on pol.
Patriots, rest assured we are in control.
Watch, confirm, and disseminate.
The country is not divided, this is fake news. ANTIFA was organized purely for optics re: division.
This requires a DEEP CLEANING.