We are living in a huxleyianorwellian world where the exceptionally exceptional regimes of USA, ISR & SAU do whatever they want, mass murderers praise a mass murderer at his funeral, broadcasted by information mass murderers, as hero &, since 9/11, laws of nature are upside-down.
LET'S pull the mass media's, projecting vitriolic fairy tales into our perilous Plato's cave, plug, GET THE F*** OUT of the insane huxleyianorwellian psychopathic anti universe & live together in freedom, respect, harmony, peace & prosperity for everybody, not only for the few!
Everybody knows, since Herman & Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent at least, that the mass media are enemies of the people. If @realDonaldTrump or @jeremycorbyn dare to do the unthinkable, tell the truth, flack machine shoots and Russia gets the common enemy.
Nowadays it is (again) about whether we follow our authoritarian or our humanistic conscience, if we have the latter after all. I recommend, again and again, this excellent piece by the wonderful humanist Erich Fromm!
Disobedience is the beginning of every progress, relief and liberation. It is both, a moral and a psychological problem. If we have no empathy, no self-confidence and no humanistic conscience, we can not disobey psychopaths and their narcissistic lackeys and never free ourselves.
For almost 2 years none of the western puppet mouthpiece media has the courage to expose Incubator Lie 2.0, although every not brain-dead human sees that the alleged living premature (from 2.25) is a baby doll at best, a stillborn in rigor mortis at worst.
For almost 3 years none of the western puppet mouthpiece media has the courage to expose that during the terror attack in Bataclan 6+ heavily armed soldiers were standing outside without intervening because "their rules of engagement did not forsee this". lalibre.be/actu/internati…
For almost 4 years none of the western puppet mouthpiece media has the courage to expose that the Charlie Hebdo video of the alleged shooting of a police officer by two terrorists is staged, although every not brain-dead human sees that he is not hit.
After 70 years of imperial/neoliberal indoctrination the web of lies is so obviously absurde (9/11, Skripal, WH = ISIS, etc.), that it is dissoluting. The empathetic humanity connects, closes ranks and sends their eternal psychopathic rulers and their lackeys into nowhere land.
The "evil empire" is a lifelong three year old child. I certainly loved my children at that age too, however only because they created not only a surreal mess, but also made steady progress.
A great documentary about psychopathy and society:
The elite invented "democracy" to protect them from the empathetic people. The media are their means for misleading the people sedated by "democracy". This is definitely a bad thing since the people have become educated and the elite almost totally insane.