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Sep 3rd 2018
We are living in a huxleyianorwellian world where the exceptionally exceptional regimes of USA, ISR & SAU do whatever they want, mass murderers praise a mass murderer at his funeral, broadcasted by information mass murderers, as hero &, since 9/11, laws of nature are upside-down.
LET'S pull the mass media's, projecting vitriolic fairy tales into our perilous Plato's cave, plug, GET THE F*** OUT of the insane huxleyianorwellian psychopathic anti universe & live together in freedom, respect, harmony, peace & prosperity for everybody, not only for the few!
Everybody knows, since Herman & Chomsky's Manufacturing Consent at least, that the mass media are enemies of the people. If @realDonaldTrump or @jeremycorbyn dare to do the unthinkable, tell the truth, flack machine shoots and Russia gets the common enemy.
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