2/ First—listen to your state & local news. EVACUATE if you’re mandated. Don’t leave your pets behind.
I worked on the rescue efforts after Harvey & Irma. I spoke to people on dying phones who didn’t evacuate. They required rescue from rooftops. #Florence
@Firechatapp is a web app & works when cell towers go down between phones.
Prepare & have 1 gallon/day water supply for 7 days minimum.
After a hurricane, most deaths occur from flooding & unsafe drinking water. 2975 in Puerto Rico is an example of this.
Tap & well water are NOT safe to drink after a flood event. Bacteria, viruses & pathogens are present & will make you sick in just HOURS. bit.ly/2goH2oG
5/ For a hurricane/flood event, here are 5 options for safe drinking water.
BEFORE the event: 1. Buy bottled water— 1 gallon/day/person for 7 days minimum
AFTER the event:
2.Chlorinate the water
3.Iodine tablets
4.Calcium hypochlorite- used in swimming pools
5.Boiling the water
As an engineer, I’ve worked extensively w/water systems in developing countries & used these methods
Adding chlorine to H2O is the best option.
⚠️Bleach must be less than 6 mos old. You MUST let it sit for 1 hour after treating, otherwise it’s toxic
Flood waters rapidly multiply with pathogens & water bourne illnesses. Avoid standing in it, if possible. A cut can easily become a life threatening infection.
Wash your hands often & any part of you that must go in flood waters, immediately.
If you’re affected by #HurricaneFlorence prepare for a week MINIMUM. The emergency response of our govt seems to be ‘survival of the fittest’
During the rescue efforts of Harvey & Irma, no one rescuing or in need cared if you were Dem or GOP.
💚Look out for each other
💚Be safe
I’ve signed up again to help again with rescue efforts for hurricanes #Florence #Isaac #Olivia
If you’re able to, we’ll need all the help we can get. If you have a computer & a few hours, please consider volunteering. Join us.
It could save a life.
“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”—Martin Luther King jr
2/ 63 years ago today on August 28, 1955, 14 year old Emmett Till was kidnapped in the middle of night in Mississippi, brutally beaten, murdered & thrown in a river for cat-calling a white woman at a corner store. His killers were acquitted in less than 1 hour. #BlackLivesMatter
3/ In 2016, the woman who accused Emmett Till said she had lied in her statements, in court, under oath.
52 years later a sign was placed on the spot where Emmett Till’s body was found. It’s been replaced 3 times since for vandalism.
Running is such an integral part of me: it’s my passion, it’s empowering & a Huge part of my self care these days
The fact that it’s being politicized loses the lesson: it’s NOT who murdered her, it’s the WHY.
2/ Although men empathize, they’ll never know the ways women/victims must think to protect themselves:
🔹Empty parking lots & elevators after hours
🔹At some places of employment, we need after hour escorts to our cars or the bus
🔹It’s a big reason why we use restrooms in packs
3/ Some safety tips I’ve had to adopt to go on a simple run:
🔹I Never run in the same place from one week to the next, or the same time of day– I mix it up
🔹I Never wear my long hair in a ponytail - too easy to grab
🔹My dog comes with me on all runs– so dogs must be allowed
For 2 years,Trump has called Russian interference a hoax & its investigation a witch hunt.
He eliminated the National Security coordinator position at the NSC.
Russia’s attack was an act of war but Trump& regime attended the NSC election security meeting for less than 30 minutes
Despite Russian interference and $380M in federal aid
🔹22 states opted out of upgrading voting machines
🔹42 states won’t have new voting equipment by Nov
Here’s what we can do:
Call your SOS:
🔹Hold them accountable for your state’s election security
Call your reps📲202-224-3121
Ask they pass:
🔹the bipartisan #DETERAct bill for midterms
🔹the #PAVEAct which calls for paper ballots & risk limited audits
Everyday as news comes out that supports the fact that we had a fraudulent election & have an #IllegitimatePresident, the MSM keeps pushing 1 thing: Votes weren’t changed.
This is NOT true.
The votes of MILLIONS were changed bc they were thrown off Russian hacked voter rolls.
The WH is now censoring the free press. They posted a fake version of the #TreasonSummit video & deleted where Putin said he wanted Trump to win & he helped.
The evidence is overwhelming: we have an #IllegitimatePresident installed by Putin & Russia.
2/6 December 2016 Report: In Aug 2015, Russian hackers struck at the heart of the U.S. military by seizing the e-mail system. “Russian hack almost brought the U.S. military to its knees”