Let’s break down the rape myths you are pushing to discredit a survivor.
First, many people don’t report their assaults. Why? Look at what is happening to Dr. Blasey Ford DECADES after this happened.
There is no “perfect” survivor. The idea that a 15 yo girl who experienced assault would have immediately reported it to the police, or even her parents, is ridiculous and insulting to the thousands of women and girls who have experienced sexual assault and the ensuing trauma.
This should be obvious, but rumors about a woman sleeping her way to the top of the corporate ladder can constitute sexual harassment under federal law. #ThatsHarassment#MeTooon.nwlc.org/2xx50pW
Malicious rumors questioning a woman’s professional expertise and upward mobility:
➡️ Damage her career
➡️ Subject her to sexual harassment
➡️ Discriminate against her based on sex
In fact, malicious rumors about an employee of 𝐚𝐧𝐲 gender getting promoted based on sexual conduct or favors is a form of sexual harassment. #ThatsHarassment#MeToo