Since Sanders diehards are determined to hijack the @DNC and torpedo other 2020 contenders, and since he refuses to become a Democrat but wants to hog their spotlight and attack them, let's take a closer look at who this man is. (1/10)
2. The REAL Bernie Sanders:
First elected with NRA help, then repeatedly voted WITH the gun lobby. Opposed the Brady Bill five times.
Co-sponsored and aggressively pushed a bill to dump Vermont's radioactive waste on the low-income Latino community of #SierraBlanca, Texas.
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I'm seeing a lot of blame going around so I want to provide some clarity on what I believe Dems did wrong. First and foremost, they failed to realize that the GOP would use their majority to seat Kavanaugh AT ALL COSTS.
Understanding that the GOP would not settle for anything less than Justice Kavanaugh, Democrats should have walked out of what they called a "charade" and a "sham." When you call something a sham and then participate in it, you're legitimizing it.
Democrats had ample reason to refuse to participate: Kavanaugh was nominated by a president who may have committed federal crimes. His records were being withheld. And so on. Simply applying the #MerrickGarland standard, Kavanaugh didn't merit a hearing.
I'm a proud Democrat, the party that sides WITH sexual assault victims, the party that believes girls and women, the party that trusts them and protects their rights.
To every rightwinger who responds by naming Democrats who have been accused of sexual assault and harassment over the years, YES, I default to believing the accuser.
I REPEAT: I default to believing women whether the accused is a Republican or Democrat. That includes all the "whatabout" names the right is throwing at me like Clinton, Ellison, etc. Bottom line: DEMOCRATS ARE NOT PERFECT BUT THEIR POLICIES ARE BETTER FOR WOMEN.
Dems should refuse to participate in what they've called "sham" #KavanaughHearings. They should release a joint statement that if #MerrickGarland was blocked FOR NO REASON, the #lodestar insurrection bars Trump from making lifetime appointments.
Yes, @KamalaHarris asked good questions. But that only sets up the narrative that #Kavanaugh was confirmed "despite a tough nomination process." He's being legitimized by this process. The GOP is pushing him through no matter what Dems do, so TAKE A STAND. Refuse to play along.
#TakeAKnee is a symbolic gesture, but an important one. #DemWalkout would be equally extraordinary. It would leave a permanent stain of illegitimacy on #Kavanaugh. Trump could be found guilty of obstruction, why are Dems participating in a hearing that could seat his defender?
I said this yesterday and I'll say it again today: Democrats are legitimizing #Kavanaugh by not walking out.
They should release a joint statement that until the #Mueller and #Cohen matters are resolved, Trump cannot appoint a #SCOTUS justice.
The GOP is hellbent on pushing the #KavanaughConfirmation through. If Democrats walked out and he were seated, he'd have far LESS legitimacy on the bench than if they went through the motions of what they called a "sham" proceeding.
No matter how sharp their questions, no matter how much they protest the rules and procedures and document dumps, Dems are ENABLING THE GOP in brazen court-stacking. Republicans STOLE #MerrickGarland's seat and are shoving rightwing justices through. WHY ARE DEMS PLAYING ALONG?
OK, rightwingers you want to talk logic? How about this: If keeping out all immigrants will prevent all immigrant crime, then taking away all guns will prevent all school massacres. Want to go with that argument?
"Most research says crime tends to decrease in areas where immigrants settle, whether they’re in the country legally or illegally."… My issue is with the right's inordinate focus on crimes by undocumented immigrants, while shrugging at school massacres.
If the right's aim is to protect loved ones, then why not take more drastic measures to stop gun violence by white males? Or is violence by undocumented immigrants somehow more egregious? Saying it's "preventable" is meaningless. So are school shootings, if you banned all guns.