A say in whether the EU enlarges or not.
A say in if the EU federalises or remains a union of independent states.
A say in if there is an EU army.
Being the financial capital through which the majority of € is traded while still keeping the £.
The UK has taken the lead in efforts for EU enlargement. It pushed for the inclusion of Eastern European states. It pushed for Turkey to get its shit together so that it could join (which it made very slow progress with, and has largely been undone by Erdogan)
After #Brexit, the UK will have no influence on EU enlargement. In fact, as setting the EU as a rival, every country that joins the EU will a) strengthen the EU, and b) unravels any trade deals that the UK will have made with that country, isolating it further.
The UK is one of the leading opponents of EU federalism - #Brexit makes it more likely. Importantly, the EU as a union of nation states is less of a threat to an isolated UK than a federal USE - that has the potential for a more narrowly driven rival to UK interests.
I was against a EU army but looking into the issue it turns out that it's not a standing army that is being proposed. It's a backstop to NATO should, well, a major contributor be compromised by its biggest threat and suggest that they would not honour their obligations.
If there was a threat to Europe and the US chose not to honour its obligations then NATO would be compromised. It simply makes sense to have a EU equivalent prepared to respond.
NATO is primarily a Command and Control framework through which national militaries are coordinated. The EU Army would be no different, assets already exist, it just needs a C&C framework setting up. It is NOT an EU standing army.
Now, of course this will never get off the ground if the UK exercises its veto and... wait... oh... the UK is a great supporter of the idea, and because of its own competencies and influence in the area it will be the primary leading voice in the initiative.
If a EU Army goes in a direction the UK is not comfortable with, wouldn't it be great to have a veto to prevent that, rather than standing impotently on the sidelines, tutting as loudly as possible.
So which is better?
a) An isolated #Brexit UK with an EU army on its doorstep?
b) An EU Army where the UK takes a leading role?
As you say, we can't predict the future.
There may be a time when a threat to the UK comes at a time when the US chooses not only to not honour its NATO obligations, but actively block NATO from responding.
The relationship with the EU may become adversarial (which would probably have been provoked by jingoistic British politicians based on current form). It would probably not be ideal to have what will effectively be a superpower on our doorstep that the UK has no influence with.
The UK has resisted joining the Eurozone. It is the global financial capital for € trading - or, at least, it was. It seems likely that will move to somewhere within the EU as the UK loses its financial passporting rights.
As far as I know, there has been little pressure for the UK to join the Eurozone since it rejected being a founding member.
After #Brexit, depending how badly and for how long the economy goes tits up, there may be pressure to rejoin the EU.
The problem is, while there is a mechanism for leaving the EU - Article 50 - there isn't one for rejoining under the same conditions as when it left.
Rejoining will mean none of the opt-outs we currently enjoy, it will mean adopting the Euro, and being part of Schengen.
It's widely agreed that, at least short term, the UK economy will be negatively affected by #Brexit. How many years of recession, depressed growth, continued austerity and cuts to services will be tolerated? The reaction to privatisation (probably by stealth) of the NHS?
Are those acceptable losses? It's certainly a different picture from what was promised by the Leave campaign.
Under those conditions, how long will it be until a party runs a General Election under the promise to rejoin the EU?
#Remainers knew what they were voting for.
They *can* see the *near* future, and it is full of costs not worth paying, for benefits that don't exist.
They may not know the far future, but they know that they want the UK to play a leading role in that future, not hide from it.
They chose not to be isolationist Little Englanders, huddled on a damp little island sandwiched between two superpowers, cowering at a future it doesn't feel it can control.
They chose not to believe that a 18th and 19th century economic mindset will prevail in the modern world. Yes, the modern world is global, but it's now about collaboration between neighbours and competition between trading blocks.
They chose not to believe the lies and the ideology of the privileged elite who hide their profits off-shore and have no regard for the people they manipulate.
They chose to embrace diversity, mutual prosperity, and honouring the social contract, not disenfranchising literally millions of people based on where they were born and the colour of their passport.
They chose to preserve the integrity of the UK, not to threaten the Good Friday Agreement and potentially lose Northern Ireland to a United Ireland, not to potentially lose Scotland by dragging it out of the EU against its will.
They chose embracing rationality based on facts, not ideology based on feels.
Reality, not fantasy. Truth, not lies.
They chose to #Remain because #Brexit is an affront to the nation's history, a stain on the nation's reputation, and diminishes the nation's prosperity and influence.
We are becoming the laughing stock of the developed world and #Brexit is to blame.
"Important" industries tend to have one or more international agencies or regulators. For aviation, the ICAO sits at the top with the FAA, the EASA, and probably a whole load of national agencies as the actual regulators.
At the highest level, all regulators generally align their regulations (on procedures, parts, testing, etc.) up to a certain point, at least in so far as to accept each others certification. This allows a EASA-certified plane to fly within the FAA jurisdiction, and vice-versa.
You're not understanding that this isn't about trade between companies, it's about trade agreements between states. If SK has a default tariff of 30% on aero, but has negotiated a 10% tariff rate for the first £10Bn/yr with the EU - that puts the UK companies at a disadvantage.
An SK company buying the aero parts is going to be choosing between EU parts at a 10% tariff or UK parts at 30%. Which are they going to choose?
Of course, the UK would want to rack up an say they want a trade agreement too. They want, let's say 5% tariffs on aero parts. SK may say they want a reciprocal 5% tariff on mobile phones (it's 10% with the EU, but they have the leverage so they can argue for a better agreement)
French and Dutch voted ignored? Hardly. Their no votes caused the proposed Constitution to be shelved. Over the next 3 years it was amended to become the Lisbon treaty.
When Ireland voted no on the Lisbon treaty, over 40% of voters stated that not knowing enough about the treaty as the primary reason for their vote, followed by a lack of clarity on certain issues.
The EU gave clarity and legal reassurances on the issues identified (turning some of the more open-ended clauses into more tightly defined ones - kind of like making mini-amendments) to address these concerns and asked them to vote again.
It says at the same time that devolved powers will be preserved except the role of Brussels being transferred to Westminster (which sounds reasonable), but at the same time that Westminster wants to apply a common UK-wide policies.
"Common UK-wide policies" basically means Westminster will dictate the policies, which contradicts that the devolved powers will be able to control their implementation - unlike now where the EU defines the policy and the devolved assemblies implement them as appropriate.
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The Tory's control more than half of councils, nearly double Labour. Losing control of even half of them is unrealistic, and even if it happened under fixed term government I can all but guarantee it won't result in a General Election.
A Prime Minister calls a GE under two circumstances: 1) They are miles ahead in the polls and think they can increase their majority (as in 2017) 2) They have suffered a humiliating defeat or scandal.
I'd rather be on the losing side than the wrong side.
I'd rather be on the side of facts and reason, than impotent feelings of no control and paranoid fantasy.
I'd rather be on the side of cooperation with our neighbors, than competition with a made-up enemy.
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I'd rather be on the side of compassion and humanity, than xenophobia and racism.
I'd rather be on the side of unity and solidarity, than nativism, nationalism, and even fucking fascism.
Look at the people who you share your side with, and look at mine.
We may have lost a referendum, but we were not wrong. We are not wrong now, not today, not tomorrow, not in the weeks, months, and years to come. We will not give up and we will be proved right!