BREAKING: multiple sources from #Lebanon are reporting loud sounds of fighter jets flying low over the country in the middle of the night. Possibly going to #Syria for a military strike
Reports of unidentified fighters flying low over #Lebanon being reported all over.
Something is definitely happening (in #Syria?) tonight
Snapchat story from Jounieh, just north of #Beirut. Fighter jets are clearly flying over #Lebanon. #Syria
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by @ColemanMcGowan_ view original on Twitter
Another video from #Lebanon tonight clearly shows something flying overhead. Source claims it to be a #US tomahawk missile on its way to #Homs (#Syria)
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If nothing shows, it may have been deleted
by @mastter7ook5 view original on Twitter
#Syria BREAKING: pro-regime sources are reporting aerial attacks on military installations in the center of he country (#Homs governorate), claiming air defense systems are engaging "hostile targets in the sky"
#Syria: main target is reported to be the Tiyas (T4) airbase located in the desert on the road between #Homs and #Palmyra
OK Nederland. Laten we het hebben over Jabhat al-Shamiya, de Syrische rebellengroep die in het verleden gesteunt is door het kabinet en nu world omschreven als "terroristisch"
Als iemand die de beweging al vanaf het begin volgt kajbik vertellen wat JaS wel is en wat niet
Is Jabhat al-Shamiya een militante rebellengroep die zich schuldig heeft gemaakt aan martelpraktijken, corruptie, wapensmokkel, afpersing, willekeurige beschietingen van burgerdoelen en de ethnische zuivering van Koerden in Afrin - JA
Is Jabhat al-Shamiya "de vijand" (zoals Ron Fresen het omschreef) van het Westen. Een jihadistische terreurbeweging die heeft verklaart te strijden voor een kaliphaat, gelieerd is aan IS en aanslagen plant in Europa - NEE
#Iran: several thousand people gathered o the central market in the Arab city of #Ahwaz to protest against the Iranian regime and what they describe as "discriminating policies against the Arab people"
#Iran: the situation later turned violent after Iranian police tried to break up the Arab protest in #Ahwaz, using tear gas and rubber bullets on the people.
The protests are a response to insults being made towards the Arab people on Iranian TV
#Iran: the Arab city of #Ahwaz today. Women are facing off against the Iranian police as they protest the regime's discriminating policies
#Syria: for over two years the people of Maarat al-Numan have protested continuously against Jabhat al-Nusra (& synonyms #JFS, #HTS).
Now the city together with the whole Jabal al-Zawiya region of #Idlib are freed of jihadists, thanks to local #FSA & #JTS
#Syria: as #JTS and #FSA forces are also advancing around Atarib (W #Aleppo) and Maarrat al-Misrin #HTS is at risk of being split into two separate pockets. One east of the M5 highway and the other in the region between #Idlib city and the #Turkey border
#Syria: meanwhile #HTS is trying to counter the rebel offensive throughout "greater" #Idlib by attacking the town of Batabo, located just west of Atarib