And then Sirius came back and arrested everyone with wolfboy and then Matt Smith came out of nowhere and Doctored all up in that bitch and made Dumbledore come back and all was right.
Like, it squeaks when you pick it up, squeaks when you throw it, squeaks when it bounces, fucker squeaks when you even look at it funny
It doesn't bother me, because Arwen LOVES it. She's happy, I'm happy. I hear her playing with it at night; makes me smile
Arwen took it last night, and scampered off with it like a proud little huntress I went to bed, and just as soon as I was about to hit the lights, I hear the fucker short circuit
Let's talk about embarrassing my annoying coworker
Thanks to the combined efforts of my heroes, @vipbanaangel and @EinganaDragon, a can of surströmming is on its way (which is salt-fermented Baltic herring, and one of the nastiest things on the planet)
But here's the thing...
My coworker (henceforth known as D) is one of those tinfoil-hat wearing nut-jobs that think as soon as his face is on the internet, his identity will be stolen and the government will find him, and his life will be over
That being said, he's agreed to buckle on one account...
"I'd only be filmed if it's for a good cause"
I'm gonna get that in writing
Meanwhile, we're going to be advocating for donation "pledges" for the Oregon Foster Parent Association
Have you ever had that weird moment of realization that people see you?
Like, okay, hold on
You spend your entire life looking through your own eyes and moving your own limbs. You never see your facial reactions. You don't see how you walk, you just feel it.
And then you walk in front of a mirror and think, "fuck, this is what people are looking at?"
So you make a couple of the same gestures and faces in the mirror that you did with other people to see if they look weird
And then you go back out and start trying to act natural like you didn't just have this exestential crisis of self and identity and are trying to play it cool
Meanwhile you're freaking out wondering if people feel the same way about their own emotive physicality