<< NEW MEGA THREAD THIS MAY TAKE SOME TIME SO PLEASE BE PATIENT>> In November 2016 when it became apparent that @realdonaldtrump had won the US Presidential Election the famous quote by Sir Edward Grey came to mind… "The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see...
...them lit again in our life-time.” That was my feeling about the United States. That is still my feeling almost 18 months later. I believe every person though deserves a chance to prove themselves. On their actions, on their decisions that has an impact not just within the...
the United States but on the wider world. That is why I am deeply involved in the #resistance and why I will continue to do so. So review @realdonaldtrump and his flawed, kakocracy, mendacious, self serving disastrous Presidency so far… I would need to write a book to........
...to outline every single outrage, every single lie so for the purpose of brevity I will stick with the top 20 feel free to add your own in the comments….I think the first warning bells was when President Trump complained about the reporting of the Inauguration day........
...crowds. nytimes.com/2017/01/21/us/… this indicated to me that Trump was likening his Presidency to a syndicated TV show – ratings above everything else. He has yet to prove me wrong as he has consistently played to his “base” and seemingly revels in the outrage of the “left” ....
...and continues to act in a way to promise wall to wall coverage. The Inguaration of President Trump led to the largest single day protest in US History with the Womens March washingtonpost.com/news/monkey-ca… there were protests around the world. Essentially the #resistance movement ...
...was born as a result of the fine work done by women (and some men) in reaction to not just the “defeat” of @hillaryclinton but the emergence of a power that has proven to undermine reproductive rights and civil rights for many minorities, undermine democratic protocols, and...
...rip up the rule book and the Constitution. The first major outrage in my opinion was the appointment of a deeply conflicted man Michael Flynn as National Security Security Advisor – the same man that was involved and favourably supported the now Turkish Dictator Erdogan.....
...saying that Erdoğan had been moving Turkey away from secularism and towards Islamism, and that participants in the coup wanted Turkey to be and to be seen as a secular nation—a goal "worth clapping for. (Source Note newsweek.com/mueller-invest… ... this same man that had been....
..that had started his own intelligence services for businesses and governments within the Flynn Group. This man was accused of accepting money (otherwise known as “bribes”) from foreign governments in return for intelligence. A man that was documented as having dinner with...
...Putin (sitting next to him at the table) in December 2015 a dinner in honour of the State run TV programme #RTyahoo.com/news/trump-sup… the same dinner where @drjillstein was in attendance. In February 2017 the House Committee sent a letter to Secretary of Defense James ......
...Mattis requesting a Department of Defense investigation into Flynns connection to RT. The legislators stated that Flynn had violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause of the US Constitution by accepting money from RT. On 27th April 2017 the Pentagon inspector general started.....
...started an investigation concerning this. He pled the #fifthamendment against self incrimination and appeared in federal court in December 2017 pleading guilty to a single felony count of "willfully and knowingly" making "false, fictitious and fraudulent statements" to the ..
...the FBI. His “tenure” of 24 days as National Security Advisor was the shortest in the office’s history. The wider question is what quid pro quo was paid for his appointment. He was being considered (prior to Pence) by the @GOP as a potential “running mate” for Trump! ......
We are scared. We are angry. We are outraged. You had a chance to elect the finest most competent candidate of a generation – yes I am talking about @hillaryclinton but your flawed electoral system did not allow this to happen. Your “President”....
...refused to release his tax returns, mocked the disabled, incited racially offensive comments about the Mexicans. He managed to “brush off” the Billy Bush bombshell where he said that he was able to grab women by the p**** had a fake University where he ripped off millions..
...and had been bankrupt a number of times stiffing small businesses and yet millions upon millions of you voted for him. The record job growths and financial recovery since the GFC of 2008 and the progressive socially uplifting 8 years of President Barrack Obama simply wasn’t..
***New Thread*** people are not going to like this much but here goes. The emergence of a figure like @realDonaldTrump didn’t happen by accident. He is the product of the vulnerability of the US political system. He is the by product of a culture that enables men to bypass .....
... convention and ethics. Only in America would you “elect” a thrice married, racist, traitorous, beholdened “man.” This didn’t just happen. This is a result of the “vast right wing conspiracy,” that @HillaryClinton was speaking about in the late 1990s. This is a result ......
... of the reversal of the #truthdoctrine and #citizensunited ; this is a result of sheer laziness and complacency with removing the paper ballots and putting faith in computer tabulated results for election results. President Trump is the end product of a generation of .......