National Sovereignty, not Globalism.
Popular Democracy, not Technocracy.
Energy Security, not Climatism.
Individuality, not "Identity".
Freedom, not Wokeism.
Oct 3, 2018 • 12 tweets • 8 min read
Re-issuing, but as single thread, 11 tweets from over last 3 days, each one linking to different commentator, but all justifiably criticising May's Tories for their abject failure to come up with any ideas to counter hard-Left Corbynite-Labour.
Judge for yourselves. . .
Yet another VG diagnosis of May's Vichy-'Conservatives' combined political ineptitude & ideological vacuum, by Janet Daley.
Corbyn's apparent supporters are inveterate consumers, not marxists, but Miliband-Lite May Tories have totally failed to notice it.
Sep 27, 2018 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
Stupendous column by @AllisterHeath, rightly laying vast majority of blame for Corbynomics being so ostensibly popular with Middle England on faux-'Conservative' Party that's largely stopped countering it & in effect capitulated to it.
Today's must-be-read
". . a proper campaign by a proper Tory party would change minds by marshalling fresh arguments that voters actually relate to."
Quite, but the ruling hierarchy of today's soggy centre-left, metro-'liberal' Vichy-'Conservative' Party wouldn't even know where or how to start.
Aug 12, 2018 • 6 tweets • 3 min read
1/6 In view of the opprobrium heaped on Boris for some disobliging personal opinions on the aesthetics of the burka & niqab, while NB adamant that it should *not* be banned, a mini-thread on what some of his most prominent detractors have had to say on the subject
2/6 Here, first, is Polly Toynbee on it, as far back as 28 Sep 2001:
‘an instrument of persecution, a public tarring & feathering of female sexuality’.
Umm, doesn’t Boris’ comment seem a trifle mild in comparison to that?