Aparna Nair Profile picture
Actually a historian! Disability and Biomedicine in British India; Disability Studies; History of Public Health; Dogs; Epilepsy. Always Pre-Exhausted.
Sep 8, 2018 10 tweets 6 min read
1/ No history of vaccination should begin with Jenner. The practice of inoculation is a necessary precursor to any history of vaccination, but often gets left behind, diminished or derided. Not to mention Benjamin Jesty. #historyisnotGreatMen #histmed #histSTM (thread) 2/ Smallpox has been with us possibly since the Neolithic Revolution. And at least since the 16th century, variolation (or insufflation (blowing dried smallpox matter into the nose) was routinely practiced as a preventive in China. And that is based on written records alone.