Alison Greene Profile picture
I don't take information as fact without question. Nor do I question without reviewing facts. I'm woke & I'm not going back to sleep. Fan of critical thinking.
BlueGlowAgave 🇺🇦🌻 Profile picture Bothsidesism causes social learned helplessness. Profile picture 2 subscribed
Oct 4, 2018 18 tweets 6 min read
@JeffFlake @SenatorCollins @lisamurkowski @ChrisCoons


I posted the tweet below last night after work👇
I didn’t expect it to get the reaction it received because to me it just represented a hard day but not out of the ordinary. In fact I’ve had much worse..

THREAD I’ve been reliving my own event since Dr Ford came forward. My event 25 yrs ago was so similar & I understand better #WhyIDidntReport
I just told my family about it in the last few weeks but I won’t discuss it here. Instead I want you to see everyday life for a woman..
Sep 23, 2018 14 tweets 9 min read
This should NOT be framed as a He Said, She Said
Whys the @GOP rushing to dismiss what SHE SAID. Fords allegations are supported by the fact that Kavanaugh,in his & Judges own words,seemed to have an alcohol & party culture. Its disturbing to look at ALL we already know..THREAD👇 👉Kavanaugh says 'What happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep'
👉The potential witness during the attempted rape refuses to testify & wrote a Memoir called 'Wasted'
👉Why are the GOP hiding 90% of Kavanaughs documents
👉It appears he already Perjured himself
Sep 17, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Orin Hatch says he believes "this woman, whoever she is, is mixed up"

Yeah, cause us Women get confused & mixed up real easily. Especially about Attempted Rape

This woman, a DOCTOR, a clinical psychology professor & a biostatistician at a University, got MIXED UP

STFU old man! So sorry #OrrinHatch I misspelled your name....I must have been MIXED UP or maybe its because

"I Really Don't Care Do U"
Aug 20, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I thought I would bump up some of my old threads for those who haven't seen them. Trumps Corruption runs deep - Here are some of my deep dive attempts to delve into some of Trumps shady dealings...

Aug 7, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Asbestos is now in.

Don’t worry Formaldehyde - I’m sure Trump is working hard in the background and your day will come. Patience, he will get to you all…
Aug 6, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
This weekends Portland stand off between the Far Right & citizens who came to say Fascism isnt welcome in Portland, Police stood btwn the 2 groups. When the stand off became tense Police threw flashbang grenades AT the citizens AGAINST fascism PROTECTING Trump supporting fascists Portlands Hate Crime Laws say a Hate Crime is the threat of violence towards people due to their race, religion, sexual orientation
The fascists threaten violence against all these groups yet the Police attacked the group protesting Hate.

Trump has officially incited violence
Aug 4, 2018 5 tweets 3 min read
Our Govt's been broken since before cases like #CitizensUnited
Money's been infiltrating our Govt
Our laws aren't updated for the people,or for Law & Order, but to help Corporations build wealth
Trump & Putin capitalized on this situation
We need to get Trump & GOP out & REBUILD If Legislation was created FOR THE PEOPLE then the US wouldn't have the MOST EXPENSIVE, yet the WORST Healthcare, of the top nations.

Our Gun Homicide rate wouldn't be 25% higher then other wealthy nations.

We wouldn't be 5% of the🌎 population but have 31% of MASS SHOOTINGS
Jul 31, 2018 5 tweets 1 min read
Question: If Trump does as he threatens & shuts down the Govt would that delay Midterms?

The other day he planted a seed about election security by claiming that Russia's interfering w/ elections to help Dems (which we know is a JOKE)

Is he gearing up to interfere w/ Midterms? Is Trumps threat of a Govt SHUT DOWN trying to push the GOP into funding his damn WALL before Midterms in case he loses votes?

As a back up plan, he goes through his threat of shutting down the Govt just before midterms which actually DELAYS the Vote

I smell ulterior motives🤔
Jul 27, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
Things are unraveling so fast I’m feeling a little ember of hope...

Could SDNY be bringing the Cohen case ASAP to show Trump’s guilt BEFORE the SCOTUS vote?

Because if Kavanaugh gets on the Supreme Court he may block SDNY from bringing charges against a sitting POTUS?

THREAD This is speculation but since the GOP are fast tracking the SCOTUS vote - are SDNY & Mueller fast tracking SDNY charges against Trump/Cohen to illustrate Trumps guilt now?
(Hence Trump CFO also subpoenaed?)

Cause if the SCOTUS vote happens & the GOP gets Kavanaugh through then..
Jul 12, 2018 8 tweets 5 min read
👉At G7 Trump threw starburst candies at Angela Merkel if we weren't embarrassed enough
👉At NATO breakfast Trump says Germany was "totally controlled by Russia"
👉Remember when Trump ignored the request for a handshake w/ Merkel
WHY does Trump hate Merkel so much? I have a theory...
👉Deutsche Bank was fined for having Money Laundered $10B for the Russians
👉Deutsche Bank is key in Muellers investigation of Trump
👉NYTimes reported that when Trump learned Mueller subpoenaed Deutsche Bank he was so furious HE THREATENED TO FIRE MUELLER
Jul 9, 2018 4 tweets 3 min read
NYC is hitting the streets demanding @SenSchumer
“Whip the Vote Chuck”

Make sure we have NO VOTE
All Democrats should Vote No
This SCOTUS seat is everything

When Democracy’s under attack we need to -STAND UP & FIGHT

@riseandresistny @IndivisibleNY is also setting up Phone banks and text banks to call to MAINE & ALASKA to get people there to realize how critical this VOTE is & put the pressure on Collins & Murkowski

Anyone can help from anywhere

The info is on or DM me for the info
Jul 9, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
I'm ready for the Democrats to take radical approaches to fight this Corrupt Administration. But to revolt SMARTER not harder

The Dems act as if they don't have power.
But Blue States subsidize the Red States.
Can't Blue States threaten an 'Emergency Action' to withhold funding? What if Blue State's divert Federal taxes paid by their people to temporary State funds? We in Blue States still pay our taxes but refuse to fund Trump & the Federal Swamp til they
👉Postpone SCOTUS Vote
👉Reunite the Children
👉Enforce Handwritten Ballots
👉Release Trumps taxes
Jul 4, 2018 5 tweets 2 min read
On INDEPENDENCE Day 7 GOP are IN Russia telling the Country who interfered w/ our elections "We don’t necessarily need to be adversaries”

Richard Shelby-AL
Jerry Moran-KS
Steve Daines-MT
Ron Johnson-WI
John Kennedy-LA
John Thune-S.D.
John Hoeven-N.D.
&Rep Kay Granger-TX Most of the 8 traitors who went to Russia aren't running for reelection anytime soon

Heres when their Term's are up
Richard Shelby -2023
Jerry Moran -2023
Steve Daines -2021
Ron Johnson -2023
John Kennedy -2023
John Thune -2023
John Hoeven -2023
& Rep Kay Granger-2019
Jul 3, 2018 6 tweets 4 min read
Since @chrislhayes is passing this on I consider it verified

I'm still somewhat stunned, But also not
I think we have to treat Wheelers post w/ respect
We throw around terms like complicit, silent, etc
but as she makes clear

@NancyPelosi @chuckschumer

You can't sit back anymore
Your strategy (assuming it is one) is NOT working
When I see the emptywheel post it reaffirms what many of us know
Our Nation & Freedoms are under attack
Its not personal
its NOT all about Trump
Jun 29, 2018 8 tweets 3 min read
👉Deutsche Bank was fined $425M for laundering $10B for the Russians
👉Trump owes Deutsche money
👉Last Xmas Trump quietly ‘waived’ those fines👇
👉Last yr the Justice Dept went quiet on the probe

Now we learn ANTHONY KENNEDY’s son worked for Deutsche & was close to Trump?🤔 Here are some articles about the Justice Dept and their leniency towards Deutsche Bank.
Jun 25, 2018 4 tweets 1 min read
Speaking to friends they said “I don’t understand, what could Putin possibly have on Trump to make him act this way”

For me it seems simple. I see 2 possible things

👉DEBT: He couldn’t borrow from American banks anymore. He borrowed from Russia & became heavily indebted

AND... 👉CRIMINAL CHARGES: He’s most likely been Money Laundering for the Russians for yrs. Putin could have a dossier w/ potential criminal charges on Trump that he threatens to give to US authorities

At the end of the day Trumps Greed could have easily entangled him in both scenarios
Jun 25, 2018 4 tweets 2 min read
Getting a birds eye view watching LGBTQ celebrations at Pride Island go wild dancing to KYLIE ❤️

Celebrating LOVE💕& hearing thousands of voices raised in unison singing a dance version of ‘I’ll stand by you, won’t let nobody hurt you’ gives me goosebumps & STRENGTH
May 18, 2018 16 tweets 13 min read
Lets try something. Lets take ALL the stories about #TrumpCorruption that've been lost in the chaos. Stories that haven't gotten enough exposure. Stories that on their own would have toppled any other WH but get lost in the craziness of Trump. Lets put them together. I'll start.. #DidYouKnow Ivanka Trump's been subpoenaed by the Commercial Bank of Dubai for an alleged scheme to help a Dubai Oil family fraudulently HIDE $100M by buying diamonds through Ivanka's Jewelry line? And the guy she partnered w/ has a criminal history AND introduced her to Jared?
May 7, 2018 18 tweets 5 min read
THREE days after Macron addresses Congress & begs us to stay in the Iran deal Trump Tower Baku burns? The controversial bldg linking Trump to FINANCING the Iranian Revolutionary Guard has a major fire? Would Baku be scrutinized again if he backs out of the Iran deal 25/42 Trumps handling of the Iran Deal feels similar to the Affordable Care Act. Trump screams the Deal was bad & he can do better. Only he makes no efforts to do it better. He basically imploded Healthcare & moved on. Is he doing the same w/ the Iran Deal? 26/42
May 7, 2018 26 tweets 13 min read
This is the THIRD Trump Fire in 2018? Hard to believe its coincidence. Are the fires key pieces of a bigger puzzle? Foreign Powers using Trumps corruption for manipulation? Is someone sending 'messages' or is Trump tying up loose ends as Mueller closes in? People are speculating if the NYC Trump Tower Fires were related to the recent Trump Tower fire in Azerbaijan? Initially I thought how could it be? Trump wasn't even involved w/ the property anymore so I was ready to dismiss it. But after digging deeper it feels suspicious 1/42
Apr 25, 2018 8 tweets 4 min read
1/7: Heres a recap from a great Newsweek article:

-In '05 Trump borrowed $640 Million from Deutsche Bank Real Estate Division
-In '08 Trump DEFAULTED w/ $330 Million owing
-Deutsche Bank took legal action
-At the same time Deutsche took legal action to get paid, Trump claims.. 2/7:
he had a BILLION in the bank
-Deutsche bank SHUNNED Trump like all other US banks
-In '10 Trump pays back Deutsche with WAIT FOR IT...
-Trump got a loan from,not the real estate division,but the private wealth division
-WHO from Deutsche...