In search of new forms of life. A media platform for reports, podcasts, columns, and analysis of revolt and social struggles from an anarchist perspective.
Oct 2, 2018 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
In light of the arrests of several members of the Rise Above Movement (RAM) in relation to the events at Unite the Right in Charlottesville, few points need to be made, as we watch the State go after a small Alt-Right group over a year after the events in Cville.
First and foremost, the strategy and tactics used by police on A12 was informed by 'intelligence' gathered through DHS and Fusion Centers, that was clear: antifascists are the biggest threat to public safety and civil order.…
Aug 12, 2018 • 22 tweets • 11 min read
So much has happened over the last two weeks, it can be hard to process the collection of emotions: pain, sorrow, rage, + joy. But as we look back one year after #Charlottesville, there is still a large hole in our discussions of these events, primarily: the role of the police.
Over the coming days, many of us will be asked a similar question by loved one, friends, + co-workers: "Why do the police protect the Nazis?" "Why did they attack one side in Portland, + not the other?" While it is easy to resort to bumper sticker answers, the truth is complex.
Aug 5, 2018 • 7 tweets • 4 min read
The only thing that stopped #Portland from being next #Charlottesville was several centimetres of helmet. Police sent two people to the hospital for head injuries in attacks justified by claims of non-existent "thrown projectiles" in order to protect the heavily armed far-Right.
This was carried by police who for months have used the same tactic - shoot one side to allow the other to escape. In this case, Proud Boys, who for months have attacked citizens walking on the street, were allowed to march and attack more people.
Aug 2, 2018 • 28 tweets • 19 min read
The far-Right wants Joey Gibson of #PatriotPrayer to reforge a 'big-tent' fighting force to return their movement to where it was before #Charlottesville. There's only one problem - Gibson surrounds himself with groups that took part in #UniteTheRight.…
After the death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville, the far-Right was in a state of disarray. Predictably, many attempted to use conspiracy theories and fabricated lies to explain what had happened as a "setup" to "silence conservatives," or instead, as a "Soros" false-flag.
Jul 5, 2018 • 21 tweets • 9 min read
At #Portland rally, Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer called for immigrants heads to be "smash[ed]...into the concrete," seen giving Nazi salutes and screaming racial slurs. They don't just want to fight 'the Left,' but attack broad segments of the population.…
The June 30th rally was called for by Joey Gibson, who is running for Senate in Washington. His call for violence had an almost "Biblical" feel to it, + his hatred of #Portland was clear. "[T]he stench-covered and liberal-occupied streets of Portland will be CLEANSED. CLEANSED."