Jake Hanrahan Profile picture
Independent journalist. Anti-censorship.
Aug 4, 2018 12 tweets 6 min read
Originally said to be a false alarm, this incident is now officially being treating as an attack on Maduro. It's reported that two explosions went off, one allegedly being an IED dropped from a commercial drone. The Minister of Communication has said that there were two drone IEDs (not in those words) and that it was an attempted to assassinate Maduro.

(Via @invenezuelablog, who you should follow for reliable #Venezuela updates, especially now)

Jun 24, 2018 16 tweets 5 min read
THREAD documenting ballot fraud, violence, and intimidation today amidst the #TurkeyElections2018. 1. Car without plates seen around a polling station in Istanbul. These unidentifiable blacked out cars have in the past been linked to ballot fraud.
Jan 21, 2018 95 tweets 42 min read
THREAD showing evidence I've come across that suggests the recent murder of a young Jewish man in California was committed by a neo-Nazi, possibly as a politically motivated killing. (Sat on this for a week waiting on editors but now bits of the info are already out, so fuck it). On January 2nd a 19-year-old Jewish man went missing in southern California. He turned up dead on Jan 9th, buried in a shallow grave in Borrego Park (wikimapia.org/#lang=en&lat=3…). A former class-mate was arrested on suspicion of the murder on Jan 12th.