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Booh: “Manafort is the Hub

📌6/9/16 TT meet w/ RIS to get ‘dirt’
📌Stone, Firtash, Assange
📌US Lobbying / PR Firms / Journalists / Propaganda / Black ops
📌 Deripaska, Kilimnik,Kislyak
📌Barrack, Pence, Devine
📌Cambridge Analytica ->Bannon, Rebekah Mercer” etc

📌Manafort admits laundering $30M related to Ukraine work

📌M worked 4 murderous dictators 4 decades

📌Manafort Pleads Guilty, Agrees to Cooperate w/ Mueller

Manafort Plea Deal Casts New Scrutiny on Lobbyists He Recruited
📌#Podesta Group

NRA Show Puts Thomas the Tank Engine in White Hood to Criticize Diversity Move😱

📌The FBI has obtained wiretaps of a Putin ally Torshin tied to the NRA who met w/ DonJr during the campaign

📌AU Zamel linked to SC probe re August 2916 meeting w/ DonJr. #Wikistrat
Read 60 tweets
1-There is a connection between the super cheap gasoline that's been sold in Venezuela for decades and the cocaine industry that's a major pillar of the economy of Colombia. And it seems that finally the government of Venezuela is at least trying to get a handle on it.>
2-Gasoline is a necessary ingredient in turning the Coca leaf into cocaine. Now this predates the rise of President Chavez. It's been a serious political problem for Venezuela's government both old regime and new. You see gasoline that's cheaper than water it's hard to keep it>
Inside one country. And so an estimated 1/3 of Venezuela's petroleum that's refined into gasoline has been getting smuggled into Colombia. Of course given that the gasoline is almost free in Venezuela it comes into Columbia pretty cheap. This is probably why Columbia can export
Read 8 tweets
#FuelPriceHike A chart that explains how petrol and diesel cost is calculated.
1. Central Excise is constant. Money Centre gets does not increase or decrease with cost of fuel.
2. State VAT & surcharge is % of cost. Higher the cost, higher the earnings of States.
Pls share.
State VAT & surcharges per litre of petrol and diesel is in % and varies from State to State. Congress-JDS raised it to 32% after forming Govt in Karnataka. Maharashtra has highest VAT on petrol. AP on diesel. Bulk of WB revenue comes from VAT on fuel.
States have limited means of raising resources. VAT on fuel and tax on booze are rich revenue earning sources. States that have prohibition have to depend on VAT on fuel. One of the reasons why prohibition is ill-conceived. Strangely prohibitionists protest loudest on fuel price.
Read 13 tweets
A U.S. diplomat met three times with military officers in #Venezuela plotting a coup against Nicolas Maduro; he refused to give the officers even an indication of support, let alone the communications devices they needed to bring off their conspiracy.
Some saw #Venezuela's military as a means of stabilizing the situation, allowing practical things like aid deliveries. Others "saw considerable risk in building bridges with leaders of a military that...ha[ve] become a pillar of the cocaine trade and human rights abuses." #pt
There's nothing to complain about in the U.S. gathering intelligence by establishing communications with mutinous officers in #Venezuela. The question is whether Maduro is considered a threat: if he is, then do what's necessary to bring him down. If not, leave it for Venezuelans.
Read 5 tweets

Unresolved recusal & financial issues require a pause in the Kavanaugh hearings

Mueller will accept some written answers from Trump.

Woodward’s book reveals an admin having a "nervous breakdown of executive power" -is unflattering in the extreme. The WH is #CrazyTown

Trump said condemning white supremacists was ‘biggest f---ing mistake I’ve made’: Woodward book

The accusations sending tremors through the Catholic Church are a concerted and dubious attack by ultraconservatives on Pope Francis.

📌Pope Francis is #AntiMafia

“US air defense is back in Europe!

@SCNationalGuard 678th #AirDefense Artillery Brigade arrived in 🇩🇪 for a 9-month #AtlanticResolve deployment;

This marks 1st time a US air defense artillery brigade has deployed to Europe since Cold War”
Read 62 tweets

Uncle Jr Giuliani: Trump legal team may try to block Mueller from releasing final report

Which speaks to #TeamTreason’s guilt does it not? 🙄

Imagine reading indictments noting ‘GOP Candidate1” within the text of the complaints, kinda makes my toes curl if so!

Wife of former NRA President tapped Butina in pursuit of jet fuel pay day.

📌In preparation for conflict countries stock pile jet fuel.

KS Supreme Court agrees Douglas County must summon grand jury to investigate KOBACH.

Obstruction of justice: Trump tweets

SY: “Repeatedly trying to pervert DOJ into a weapon to go after his adversaries, and now shamelessly complaining that DOJ should protect his political allies to maintain his majority in the midterms, is nothing short of an all out assault on the rule of law.”
Read 78 tweets
#BIN Y esto es así, porque en nuestro ADN venezolano hay un componente donde reside el segundo principio heredado de la época colonial: "Dios está en el cielo, el rey está lejos y YO MANDO AQUÍ". No es nueva nuestra tragedia, es que la lucha entre civilización y barbarie continúa
111. #Derecho es un conjunto de normas, escritas o no, de carácter general, útiles para dirigir a la sociedad, a fin de solventar conflictos y evitar la autoinjusticia y la imposición de la "ley del más fuerte". Es decir, para evitar la barbarie...
112. Es decir, donde no existe el #Derecho, existe la barbarie. El Derecho es el camino establecido para tratar de encontrar esa quimera, más valiosa que #ElDorado, llamada #Justicia. Cuando se tuerce el derecho, se actúa enloquecido como #Aguirre...
Read 215 tweets

Hace unos años descubrí esta #fotografía en Desde entonces la he contemplado con lupa y sigo encontrando detalles que nos permiten asomarnos a la #Venezuela de hace más de un siglo.
Abro #hilo.
@Shorpy la había tomado de la Biblioteca del Congreso de Estados Unidos (@librarycongress) donde está archivada con el título “Country store, Venezuela” y la fecha aproximada de 1905.
No se menciona el nombre del fotógrafo, pero sabemos que la foto es parte de la colección de la Detroit Publishing Company, de más de 25 mil imágenes hechas en todo el continente en las últimas décadas del siglo XIX y las primeras del XX.
Read 26 tweets

John McCain’s Funeral Was a Council of War

Just as He Meant It to Be

PapaD: Trump 'Nodded With Approval' At Suggestion Of Putin Meeting

Deripaska, oligarch w/ close ties to the Kremlin, has faced credible accusations of extortion, bribery & even murder.

‘This week he became a legend’: A solemn and glorious send-off for John McCain

A Complex Web: The F.B.I., Russian Oligarchs, Bruce Ohr and the Trump Campaign

📌Was Ohr successful or not in turning Deripraska into an informant?

Mueller Makes Major Connection, Tying Secret Ukrainian Money to Trump Inauguration

"What better way to honor John McCain's life follow his example?"

"By recognizing that there are some things bigger than party, or ambition, or power, or money"
Read 52 tweets
Trump: Day 588
-Disapproval Hits High Point of 60%
-Russia Has Trump "Over a Barrel"
-Attorney's Letter Snubbed by Mueller
-Ex-Manafort Associate Pleads Guilty
-Fed Judge Refuses 2 Block DACA
-Couldn't Make Trade Deal w/Canada
-Plans 2 Skip Trip 2 Asian Summits
Day 693 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 545 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 62 tweets

📌Russia has 'Trump over a barrel'

🐬Sam Patten charged w/ FARA violations & has a long time connection w/ RU intel agent, Kilimnik (&Manafort) is connected to Cambridge Analytica

📌Trump’s fav targets in the RU probe are experts in org crime.

📌Tsunami soon.

Trump’s fav targets in the RU probe have spent their careers in the DOJ & the FBI investigating RU organized crime & 💰💦.

📌Bruce Ohr tried to indict Russia crime boss Mogilevich in 2006-07.

📌Mogilevich is vindictive that's why Trump is targeting McCabe.

📌McCabe ran the Mogilevich inv’n that got him on the top 10 list.

📌Lisa Page helped corner many RU assets tied to Mogilevich.

📌Ohr was in charge of negotiation w/ Mogilevich.

📌McCain 🍀 light the Dossier to the FBI & refused to stop it.

Ergo Trump 🎯🎯
Read 92 tweets
C'è un lato ironico nel "paquetazo rojo" per il #Venezuela di Maduro: dopo aver distrutto un'economia -tra le più ricche al mondo per risorse- a colpi di deficit (oggi al 30% del PIL), cerca di fermare la spirale puntando al "pareggio di bilancio". Thread →
Non sarà facile (eufemismo): nel pacchetto, insieme all'introduzione del nuovo -e svalutato- Bolivar Sovrano, c'è un aumento di 34 volte dei salari (ed il 29% dei salariati in Venezuela è un dip. pubblico, in Italia il 16% e nel Vietnam comunista il 20%)
Inoltre →
Sono previsti sconti fiscali per il settore energetico.
Intanto i cittadini non hanno accesso al cibo, ai farmaci, spesso nemmeno all’acqua né all’elettricaità Tutto perché reprimere le opposizioni per conservare il potere ha un costo, che si è fatto pagare ai cittadini →
Read 8 tweets
Atapirire is the only town in an area the VZ gov’t says is brimming with 5B barrels of petroleum. #Venezuela has pledged those reserves as backing for a digital currency dubbed the "petro," which Maduro launched in February, but it is nowhere to be found.…
Read 5 tweets
#BIN #CivilizaciónContraBarbarie.- 1. No quiero ser simplista, pues todo entramado social es complejo, pero el de #Venezuela parece serlo más aún. Sin embargo, si echamos una mirada al proceso de formación de la nacionalidad venezolana, encontraremos, al menos, una constante...
#BIN #CivilizaciónContraBarbarie.-
2. Esa constante, mantenida durante 520 años, es la lucha sin fin que, en el seno de la "sociedad" venezolana, mantiene la civilización contra la barbarie, sin decir con ello que "nosotros" somos la civilización y "ellos" la barbarie...
#BIN #CivilizaciónContraBarbarie.-
3. Haré un repaso breve por los hechos y por los siglos, sin ínfulas de historiador, hasta llegar a #RómuloGallegos, quien en toda su obra, a través de metáforas, parábolas y prosopopeyas, simplemente retrató esta lucha eterna en #Venezuela...
Read 115 tweets

John McCain, War Hero, Senator, Presidential Contender, Dies at 81

1936 to 2018

“We are Americans First

We are Americans Last

We are Americans Always”

John McCain, an American Hero who embodied our ideals & dedicated his life in service to our Republic.

Rudy Giuliani won deal for OxyContin maker Perdue Pharma to continue sales of drug behind opioid deaths

Russia pushed anti vaccine propaganda amplified by Kremlin shills, which led to an out break of measles & led to the death of many children in Europe & US.

Yes, You Can Indict the President

Important correction. Andrew Miller was NOT granted immunity

Senators Are Demanding Information About Giuliani’s History With Opioid Maker Purdue Pharma

Before he represented Trump, Giuliani defended OxyContin.
Read 68 tweets
We mock Owen Jones for silence now #Venezuela has ended as socialism always does, but having just read a Leftist argument that #China's internment of Muslims is invented by USG fronts like @HRW, the "corporate media", and "reactionary" oppositionists, OJ's looking quite good.
As a side note: I simply do not know where to start with the accusation that @HRW has an "excessively disproportionate focus on designated enemies of Washington". Whatever criticisms of HRW one might have, that one seems completely delusional.
Amazing what one can learn from Western Leftists who are back to defending #China. For example, there is a species of "imprisoned hard-right neoconservative Chinese dissident". Naturally, he is also a "hardcore libertarian" at the same time. And fully deserves to be in the GULAG.
Read 4 tweets
🤡WitchesFound 🤡

📌The President Is a mobster - decades = RU 💰💦

The 2016 elex was won b/c of a cover-up of illegal conduct to hide the truth from voters😱

NYS investigators issued a subpoena to Cohen as part of Trump Foundation probe.🍿

📌Has NYS opened a criminal probe?🍿
💦Deluge 💦

The most damaging thing re Cohen did to Trump was that the DOJ (📌not Democrats) allowed Cohen to enter a guilty plea whose factual basis was that Trump had directed him in the commission of a crime.

Manafort had Kilimnik, who was a pawn of RU GRU as his alter ego.
💦Deluge 3💦

45 thinks he can hold on to his base, if he keep throwing red meat & fooling them.

Shameless grifter GOO Rep. Hunter of CA 'excited' to go to trial. Will he blame PBO/HRC?

Cohen: “At the request of the candidate...for the purpose of influencing the election”
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💣Cohen implicates Trump in VIOLATION of campaign finance laws

💣Trump is an unindicted CO-CONSPIRATOR

💣Throws the LEGITIMACY of the election into question.

💣Cohen pleads GUILTY to bank fraud w/ intent!

💣Manafort CONVICTED on 8 fed charges!


AS: “Cohen’s guilty plea appears to implicate the President in a knowing violation of campaign finance laws, w/ the payment of hush money to advance the Trump campaign. This is the 1st guilty plea directly alleging potential criminal activity by the President.”

The verdict was a victory for the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III

LB: “Russian mob.
Who rolled Genovese/LCN in '90s.
Blood money pushed through Ukraine, laundered by Genovese made-man, Paul Manafort - and old Genovese business front, Trump Org.”
Read 72 tweets

The (Trump) Flynn Counter-intel probe likely started circa 2/22/15:

(b/4 Dossier)

‘Darkleaks’ Black Market Anonymously Selling Secrets for Bitcoins.

Anyone can now Sell Secrets for Bitcoins Anonymously on DarkLeaks underground Black Market.

Flynn: “R we ready?”

45 Secret: He’s really a Russian oligarch

Uncle Jr. Ghouliani is very bad at giving Trump & his cultists ammunition to combat Mueller in the court of public opinion.

Giuliani’s glaring reversals, which only serve to highlight 45’s dishonesty & possible liability

Clapper, McRaven, Brennan, Hayden & other’s are warning us in this dark and dangerous time that we're under threat at *home*.

That's a warning we must heed.

They have dedicated their lives defending our nation against all enemies foriegn & DOMESTIC!
Read 60 tweets
#18Ago #EscombrosDeMaduro: La portada del New York Times sobre la miseria en Venezuela… - @la_patilla
#18Ago #EscombrosDeMaduro
El diario estadounidense @nytimes dedica su primera plana de la edición internacional a la grave situación de #Venezuela y la miseria en la que Nicolás Maduro ha hundido a la población. Con el título “32.714% de inflación, y en aumento” - @la_patilla
#18Ago #EscombrosDeMaduro
el reportaje refleja la incertidumbre en la que está sumida Venezuela, azotada por una hiperinflación sin precedentes en la historia de América Latina - @la_patilla
Read 25 tweets
El @TSJ_Legitimo no es el primer tribunal que opera desde el exilio,ni el único poder que lo hace. Quizás no sea lo común en el SXXI pero sí que lo fue en el SXX.

La condena a @NicolasMaduro ayer no solo asienta bases legales sino que otorga ventajas geopolíticas

Varios países de la región han hospedado no solo a magistrados (individuos) sino a la institución ( @TSJ_Legitimo ) permitiéndola que opere incluso en sedes de congreso, ello implica un reconocimiento a su legitimidad, labor y por ende decisión.
La condena @NicolasMaduro que solo influye los delitos financieros;es decir que aún faltan los delitos civiles y políticos cuya culpabilidad es más fácil dictaminar teniendo un informe de la @OEA_oficial donde se comprueba su responsabilidad comisión de 7 Crímenes lesa humanidad
Read 10 tweets

This is delish!
Kush email to Manafort connects him to the fraudulent 16 M bank loan is introduced at trial as exhibit #502 in the EDVA Trial. Opens door to TrumpRussia.😎

O "there was a lot of corruption," in the Trump campaign and the administration.

Did Donald Trump know about Clinton's e-mails before they came out?
O: Absolutely.
Tur: He knew about them?
O: Absolutely.
Tur: He knew what was coming out before Wikileaks released them?
O: Yes.

Catholic Church protected more than 300 'predator priests' in Pa.

Trump criticizes some Russia provisions of defense bill, suggests he (will protect RU) not enforce them (which protects us) 😱

West Virginia's House of Delegates has impeached all 4 state Supreme Court justices over spending and office renovations.
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El pasado Jul25, Maduro otorgó unos anuncios económicos enmarcados en un “programa de recuperación financiera”. En el presente hilo repasaremos los principales puntos en materia económica y analizaremos las posibles implicaciones de estas medidas. +Info 👉
El mandatario indicó que ahora se suprimirán cinco ceros de la #moneda, en lugar de tres y que el cono monetario actual también se anulará; ambas medidas ahora quedaron pautadas para el 20 de agosto, aproximadamente veinte días después del anuncio.
Adicionalmente, para esa fecha entrarían en circulación monedas de 50 céntimos y de un (1) #BolivarSoberano, además de billetes con denominación de 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 y 500 bolívares. #money #Venezuela
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📌Sealed indictments: Steven Calk?

Hacked Emails Take Us Into Billionaires’ Club Around Putin🤗

Kremlin "pleased" with Helsinki summit, US and Western intelligence assesses🤮

Dead Eyes Miller gets a spanking by his uncle🤗

Kushner’s Ties to Russia-Linked Group Began With Kissinger Lunch urging k urging detente with Russia.

Feds Add Expert on Weapons Trafficking and Sanctions to Team Prosecuting Maria Butina

Peter Strzok, F.B.I. Agent Who Criticized Trump in Texts, Is Fired

DHS offers grant to prepare HS students for 'mass casualty events'😱

Trump is now trying out a new line, which looks a little something like this: There was “no collusion” … “to the best of my knowledge.”🤗

HUD moves to roll back PBO-era fair housing rule🤮
Read 60 tweets

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