How to get URL link on Twitter App This one is for the many men who have asked my advice on this. First, kudos for asking. Second, the fact that you needed to ask at all may be the root of your problem. #TenWaysForMenToWriteAboutWomen To write convincingly about emotions - whether that's love, grief, anger, joy - you have to be acutely aware of your *own* emotions, and how they come across to other people. #TenThingsAboutEmotions Writer's block is a psychological disorder, and is far, far less common than most people think. It's linked to depression, so if you really think you're suffering from this, get professional help. #TenThingsAboutWritersBlock Pacing a novel is not simply a question of slow=boring and fast=exciting. It is mostly about managing tension within the narrative. #TenthingsAboutPacing Dialect and accents are notoriously tricky to handle, both in dialogue and narrative. Very few writers do this well - many more do it badly. #TenThingsAboutDialect Most novels don't just have a single plotline. They usually have a variety of sub-plots, of greater or lesser complexity and importance to the main story. #TenThingsAboutSubplots Many people dream of writing "when they have more time." And there's no denying that with busy lives, day jobs, children, etc. some people find time management a challenge. But here's the thing. If you can't find time now, you probably never will. #TenThingsAboutFindingTime Every writer has moments of doubt. Sometimes they may even question whether or not to keep going. #TenThingsAboutKeepingGoing Authors are special people, set apart from the common herd. Unless you're one of a handful of very high-profile authors, chances are you'll need to do at least some self-promotion. Not all authors are comfortable with the idea, but even those with designated publicists could often do with a little self-help. #TenWaysToBoostYourProfile The main trick to writing action is handling pacing correctly. #TenThingsAboutWritingAction Much of the secret of effective writing is about trying to make the reader see things in a new way. To do that, you need to be able to re-assess your own perspectives accordingly. #TenThingsAboutChangingPerspective No writer is ever on form all the time. Writer's block, depression, exhaustion, lack of motivation, fear - there's no writer alive or dead who hasn't encountered one of these at some point or another. Join the club. It doesn't mean you're a failure. #TenWaysToGetYourMojoBack Writing about food is a lot like writing about sex. Both are universal, both are evocative, and neither is especially easy to get right. #TenWaysToWriteAboutFood