Kevin S Shah, MD Profile picture
#GirlDad | SoCal Cardiologist | Director of #HeartFailure #Outreach | #SouthAsianCVD | Adjunct Asst Prof Medicine @UofUHealth | Views my own
Jul 30, 2018 10 tweets 11 min read
#FITSurvivalGuide: #HeartFailure management — a #tweetorial for #ACCFIT

1️⃣ Non-pharmacologic
2️⃣ Acute HF
3️⃣ Staging
4️⃣ HFrEF
5️⃣ HFpEF
6️⃣ Devices
7️⃣ Advanced Tx
8️⃣ Misc
Resources: @HFSA @ishlt @AHAScience @JACCJournals @HRSonline 1️⃣ Non-pharmacological therapies for HF:
➖Cardiac rehabilitation can improve functional capacity, exercise duration & mortality
➖Diet: Low Na (2-3 g/day) diet to reduce congestive symptoms
➖Biomarkers have an important role in diagnosis and prognosis of patients with HF