- We missed a CRUMB: "The Hunt For" Go back n dig🐀
[RED OCTOBER] submarine who destroys itself (possibly Rothschilds sub, RED)
OR cyberespionage malware discovered in 2012 which sent TOP secret Intel & personal info
-LYNCH offered Supreme Court position if HRC won:
DURING Tarmac meeting w/ her & BILL
-Antonin Scalia MURDERED
THEY MUST CHANGE NARRATIVE @Comey letter to exonerate/reopen/re-exonerate #Clinton
DNC BREACH/ (fake) Dossier
Breach by Seth Rich
To @wikileaks
Under Obama, & mob &
Clown = CIA director shopped dossier to Google 2. & Crowdstrike
At same time:
DNC had Seth killed by Two MS-13 gang members who were killed next day in DC.
Debbie Shultz w/ help from FBI & DOJ made "insurance policy"
Which is fake Dossier, to get FISA WARRANTS 2 spy on #Trump & team 2 catch them in a crime n impeach him