The Expanse Lives Profile picture
Formerly @SaveTheExpanse. We are a group of fans who once helped save #TheExpanse. Check out our story at
Jun 25, 2018 14 tweets 3 min read
(1/13) For all fans of #SaveTimeless, #SaveShadowhunters and other communities! We wrote up a list of ideas you guys can try to help with your efforts. Keep in mind these are by no means foolproof methods, just some suggestions that worked for us and could hopefully help you too! (2/13) Organize into a dedicated group of volunteers who can help coordinate your community's voice and pool your resources together! This will help present your fanbase as a united front, and give interested parties a clear point of contact to collaborate with.
May 29, 2018 6 tweets 2 min read
To the creative minds behind #TheExpanse - THANK YOU! Your words have touched millions of souls across the globe, and helped create one of the best shows on television. Thanks to you, we can finally rest easy knowing that those words will continue to flow. (Ty Franck and @AbrahamHanover) created The Expanse, working closely with the show to ensure a faithful adaptation of their vision. We are so grateful for the diverse and complex characters, wide-reaching narrative themes, and an extremely detailed universe.