#TeamZukunftDeutschland #PECS @NowTheCitizens Profile picture
*Strategic Communications *Philanthropy *Investigativer Blogger #BSW #CoronaAufarbeitung #LiveAid17 #PrinceMusical #Brexit #FBPE #Sundays4EUcitizensSolidarity
Oct 6, 2018 20 tweets 200 min read
@BmillEuropean @AndrewAtter @davidmcallister @NDRinfo @InLimboBrexit @The3Million @BritishInEurope @BritsinGermany @BrexpatsHOV @BremainInSpain @emmyzen @julie4nw @voiceseurope @EricIdle @Bonn1eGreer @SebDance @carolecadwalla @W_A_T_O_N @RemainingKind @katarinabarley @Elenauk @FrankRHofmann @DeutscheWelle @antoni_UK @Jude_KD @UdoBullmann @maikebohn @CMetzelder Eine hervorragende Erklärung des “Ist-Zustandes“ in UK!Besser als manch ein Politikanalyst es darstellt!Europa lässt Euch gerade bitterlich im Stich!Die Medienberichterstattung ist unzureichend, @jakkibak Es ist schändlich, wie die Demokratie in GB ausgehebelt wird, @silkejaeger @BmillEuropean @AndrewAtter @davidmcallister @NDRinfo @InLimboBrexit @The3Million @BritishInEurope @BritsinGermany @BrexpatsHOV @BremainInSpain @emmyzen @julie4nw @voiceseurope @EricIdle @Bonn1eGreer @SebDance @carolecadwalla @W_A_T_O_N @RemainingKind @katarinabarley @Elenauk @FrankRHofmann @DeutscheWelle @antoni_UK @Jude_KD @UdoBullmann @maikebohn @CMetzelder @jakkibak @silkejaeger 2/ Die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem manipulierten Trump-Wahlkampf, @JohannesHano und dem Brexit-Referendum, werden bis auf Ausnahmen (@elisouchka @VoxPop_ARTE 👏) fast völlig “unter dem Tisch gekehrt“, @guyverhofstadt, der Einzige,der das klar anspricht und vor einer Erosion warnt!
Oct 3, 2018 7 tweets 74 min read
@postcards_48 @phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt @The3Million @BritishInEurope @Eu27K @julienfouchet1 @inthebrickhouse @fairvoteuk @Lawyers4EU @UKEUchallenge @voiceseurope @AndrewAtter @julie4nw @dueteste @angrysmiley @daverking @Jez_Horrox @ASElliotKing @andreashopo @jbh_denmark @steve_objectify @artistofhull @SarahWing13 @Dissentra @OldBobCyprus @HeatherGoodhead @maltandmore @BremainInSpain @LotharBirkner @euromove @PulseofEurope @NetzwerkEBD @huettemann @Liverpool4EU @SabineSchaper @csibike1 @EmmaLBriant @ICIJorg @docupy Here is the start! Shouldn't there be a broader debate about this,all the ties discussed to save UK democracy&hold the charlatans to account? @HenryCPorter @The_Convention_ @JohannesHano @EmmaLBriant @silkejaeger @elisouchka @carolecadwalla @jakkibak @VoxPop_ARTE @Channel4News @postcards_48 @phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt @The3Million @BritishInEurope @Eu27K @julienfouchet1 @inthebrickhouse @fairvoteuk @Lawyers4EU @UKEUchallenge @voiceseurope @AndrewAtter @julie4nw @dueteste @angrysmiley @daverking @Jez_Horrox @ASElliotKing @andreashopo @jbh_denmark @steve_objectify @artistofhull @SarahWing13 @Dissentra @OldBobCyprus @HeatherGoodhead @maltandmore @BremainInSpain @LotharBirkner @euromove @PulseofEurope @NetzwerkEBD @huettemann @Liverpool4EU @SabineSchaper @csibike1 @EmmaLBriant @ICIJorg @docupy @HenryCPorter @The_Convention_ @JohannesHano @silkejaeger @elisouchka @carolecadwalla This is a brilliant documentary of German journalist @JohannesHano @ZDF about the Putin-Trump collusion (available soon also in English). But how so often, @silkejaeger @elisouchka the ties to the UK-EU referendum is missing.
A lot of the script&cast fit!
Oct 3, 2018 51 tweets 504 min read
@phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt Die Bürgerrechte der @The3Million sowie @BritishInEurope finden trotz allem zu wenig Gewichtung! Die EU hat nur dann eine Zukunft, wenn sie sich weniger von Lobbygruppen&mächtigen Wirtschaftsunternehmen leiten lässt&ein Bürgerparlament installiert,das mit entscheidet&konrolliert! @phoenix_de @guyverhofstadt @The3Million @BritishInEurope @Eu27K @julienfouchet1 @inthebrickhouse @fairvoteuk @Lawyers4EU @UKEUchallenge @voiceseurope @AndrewAtter @julie4nw Another problem,UK democracy is hijacked by populists.@guyverhofstadt“Europe has a 5th column in its ranks:Putin's cheerleaders who want to destroy Europe&liberal democracy:LePen,Wilders..use Kremlin money&intelligence. Farage's friend Banks colluded with Russia 2deliver #Brexit
Jun 12, 2018 21 tweets 141 min read
@FabienneHurst @DW_GMF @docupy @DeutscheWelle @ICIJorg @FrankRHofmann @AbdihakimAinte #underreported @postcards_48 @DavidGuerilla“I’m making this film to show my fellow citizens of the other 27 EU member states that it’s far from a landslide decision, and to show them why so many of us Remainers are fighting to stay part of the EU.” Premiere, June,23rd @edfilmfest @FabienneHurst @DW_GMF @docupy @DeutscheWelle @ICIJorg @FrankRHofmann @AbdihakimAinte @postcards_48 @DavidGuerilla @edfilmfest The suffering of millions of EU citizens @InLimboBrexit uncertainty about #citizensrights This is inequality in media not only by the“oh - so impartial BBC“, @acgrayling but also by European media. @BritishInEurope @BrexpatsHOV @BremainInSpain @The3Million
Apr 21, 2018 7 tweets 8 min read
BritishWWIIveteran will sue 2overturnBrexit referendum after aEUcourt accepted his case. Mr Shindler was denied a vote under a rule barring those lived abroad4more than 15years.Conservatives promised2015 2ditch this rule&give expatriate citizens votes4life.thetimes.co.uk/article/expat-… Europe can succeed,@cem_oezdemir,if this nonsense stops @ulrikeguerot #Commonwealth citizens @CharlesTannock had a vote whereas @The3Million @BritishInEurope were denied. Politicians,listen2EUcitizens @AuroraBlogspot #FBPE is a pioneer @mikegalsworthy
4UK theguardian.com/media/2018/jan…