Andy Ellis Profile picture
This is my personal account. orioles, and personal politics. I am seeking the 2026 Green Party nomination for Governor of Maryland, @gogreen2026 for that.
Feb 16, 2018 17 tweets 5 min read
One of the questions I get most often as a @mdgreens leader is something like “I love the greens at the local level but why do you run governor and president candidates? You just help the republicans”

Let me answer from a Maryland perspective. Ballot Access:the ability to be an officially recognized party, run candidates, and have voters affiliate on their registration. In MD this is secured by collecting 10k valid signatures from registered voters.

That status lasts 4 years.
Feb 9, 2018 8 tweets 2 min read
Mayor Pugh reached out to me today to express that she believed her words had been distorted. While it was not clear from the Facebook DM’s she sent me, I gleaned that she felt anger was motivating this “distortion” and that I and others should be more generous and less angry I watched the video of her statement and I stand by the claim I made here last night. She didn’t mean to say she was too busy to follow the #GTTFtrial but SHE DID SAY it.