Chief Strategist, @TaxWarRoom. Before: @SenSherrodBrown, @IndivisibleTeam, @prosperitynow, and @SenatorBarb. Fully depreciated, still in use.
Mar 8, 2018 • 14 tweets • 4 min read
If Dems supporting the #BankLobbyistAct are looking for an off ramp to change their mind, they have all they need to jump ship between the managers amdt (new text) and the CBO score. Here are a few new provisions added last night. 1/
Big Q: is Sec. 310 anything more than a gift to Equifax? We WANT alt. data considered in credit scores but 1 of the only alternative models is Equifax's Vantage Score. There's NO accountability for breach affecting 148 million ppl in this bill. Equifax doesn't need a new gift. 2/
Feb 21, 2018 • 9 tweets • 3 min read
Here are some of the “community banks” escaping regulation under a bill the Senate is voting on in less than 2 weeks. Just your run-of-the-mill, mom-and-pop banks down the street from you:
-Deutsche Bank
-Barclays 1/
Here are some of the "community banks" that would get new legal footing to challenge federal oversight. You've probably heard of them because, gee wilikers, they're known for being real friends of our communities:
-Wells Fargo
-Goldman Sachs 2/
Feb 12, 2018 • 11 tweets • 4 min read
Trump's infrastructure plan is out (released on same day as his proposed budget later this AM).
First thing to know: it is NOT a "$1 trillion infrastructure plan." It is $200 billion in federal spending OFFSET by cuts to other programs, including infrastructure programs! 1/
Here's the plan:…
Reading through now and will tweet some reactions, and will probably get interrupted by budget release (happy Monday).
Feb 6, 2018 • 8 tweets • 2 min read
Infrastructure update: Trump is *allegedly* releasing his infrastructure principles on Monday (the same day that his President's Budget is expected to be released).… 1/
The overlapping timing is an... interesting... choice given that his last budget SLASHED funding for infrastructure. Releasing his plan and his budget on the same day will make clear whether seriously investing in infrastructure is REALLY a priority.… 2/
Dec 20, 2017 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Alright, alright. I'll bring it full circle in this final hour before the Senate votes. From the beginning we've been calling the #GOPTaxScam just that -- a scam. What makes it a scam? Here goes. (And all of my tax friends should jump in.) 1/
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Good morning! In case you spent the weekend checked out of #GOPTaxScam news, here’s an update. TL; DR: we can STILL win. The #CorkerKickback is a thing. Corker, Collins, and Flake are key. 1/#CorkerKickback: turns out a new loophole was added for pass-through income *during the conference committee.* It specifically benefits real estate LLCs, and would personally enrich Bob Corker and Donald Trump.… 2/
13 million more uninsured
Premiums up 10%
87 million fams get a tax INCREASE
Huge tax cuts for rich, corps, and Donald Trump
$1 trillion added to deficit - forcing huge cuts to Medicaid, Medicare, SS
What happens next? 1/
Senate and House have to go to conference to resolve some big differences. Then produce a "conference report" that has to be voted on again by both chambers. OR... 2/…
Nov 30, 2017 • 9 tweets • 4 min read
Big developments on the #GOPTaxScam in the last hour. Will they affect the outcome? Maybe, maybe not. Here's what's going on, as best we can tell... 1/
Remember, Rs are using a process called "reconciliation" to pass this abomination with only 51 votes, instead of the usual 60 to break a filibuster. Reconciliation comes with some rules -- and, sorry Regina George, they're real. 2/
Nov 21, 2017 • 15 tweets • 6 min read
Thanksgiving is just two days away. Are you ready to talk to your family about the #TrumpTaxScam?
Whether you plan to bring it up or just want to be ready when someone else does, I hope these tweets might help. 1/
Your uncle says: "My taxes are high enough! It's about damn time Trump gives us a break!"
You: "Actually, 94 million families will get a tax increase under this plan. Non-partisan analysis shows the cuts are heavily tilted to the top."… 2/
Nov 2, 2017 • 13 tweets • 4 min read
Good morning! It's #TrumpTaxScam day. Here's what to expect. 1/
At 9am, W&M Chair Kevin Brady will walk the rest of the House Rs thru the #TrumpTaxScam via PowerPoint. We'll know more shortly after. 2/
Oct 25, 2017 • 7 tweets • 2 min read
🚨 There is a small fissure in the House Republican caucus RIGHT NOW that is holding up the #TrumpTaxScam. Let's blow it open. 🚨 1/
The House is supposed to vote *tomorrow* on the Senate budget resolution, which sets up the #TrumpTaxScam. 2/