Professor. Award winning author, RT≠ Agreement. De/colonial educational researcher, transnational Global South sensibilities, dabbles in absurdity and play
Aug 3, 2018 • 15 tweets • 10 min read
A THREAD ON EPISTEMICIDE IN CRITICAL QUALITATIVE RESEARCH 1. I'm creating this thread to discuss how epistemicide is common in critical qual research, and why we must be vigilant of it. #critqual#educolor#acaemictwitter#phdchat#phdadvice#qualitativeresearch#highered#phd2. First - what is epistemicide? It is the erasure, dismissal of culturally-situated ways of learning and knowing that would otherwise be critical to creating knowledge (in qualitative research). This occurs to center dominant discourses. #academictwitter#highered#phdadvice
1. I was asked for some sources one could follow if one wanted to disrupt dominant methodologies while doing critical social science/educational research. This thread is my response. I hope you'll read & share. #AcademicTwitter#PhD#phdchat2. First, my conceptualization of critical: anything that interrogates power relations, such as race, class, gender, intersectionality work, culture work, disability work, sexual orientation work, etc. #AcademicTwitter#PhD#phdchat#qualitaitvresearch#quallove