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Ammi Maltese Australian. Polyam NBi/Bi (They/Them). Award Winning TTRPG Game Designer & Professional GM!
Feb 24, 2018 54 tweets 36 min read
Hey folks! Today I'm going to prep my next #OnTheEdgeOfExile session live on Twitter. I'll take you through what I've done already, to get started, to where I am now, and then through my process to get from notes > game content. #OtEoEprep #RPG 1/? Now, you have to understand that OtEoE is a sandbox game, but we use some play devices: Travel Phases, Settlement Phases, and the players forewarn me of their intentions per Story. A "Story" exists in a place, and lasts for 3-4 sessions. #OtEoEprep #RPG 2/?