Kelsey Priest MD/PhD/MPH Profile picture
PGY2 psych resident @ Stanford who tweets mostly about #unions #addiction #psychiatry #policy #publichealth. On Mastodon:
Jun 15, 2018 19 tweets 21 min read
1/ Content warning: sexual harassment and assault. The @theNASEM released a report on sexual harassment in medicine. Disturbing quotes by #womeinmedicine from the report are in this thread (17). #MeToo #MeTooSTEM #heforshe @womeninmedchat @physcianwomen 2/ Residency. "But, the thing is about residency training is everyone is having human rights violations. So, it’s just like tolerable sexual harassment." (Nontenure-track faculty) #believewomen #MeToo #MeTooSTEM #womeinmedicine #metoophd #metoomed #MedEd #sheforshe #heforshe
Jun 11, 2018 9 tweets 3 min read
1/Yes. Thanks @LeoBeletsky and @liebschutz for the periodic reminder!

So what are some of the policy barriers and levers… 2/Although CMS requires Part D formularies to include OUD treatment, and mandate Part C Medicare Advantage to cover behav health services related to addiction services, the only FDA approved OAT meeting the Part D definition is bupe/naloxone
Jun 4, 2018 7 tweets 5 min read
1/This article highlights an urgent need for training faculty and administrators on issues related to gender violence and discrimination in #meded. We have five concerns with the article. #metoo #meded #womeninmedicine #sheforshe #heforshe @caroline_a_king @womeninmedchat 2/ Title IX. This article is missing information about federally mandated reporting processes and protections that legally protect medical students (and all students in the U.S.).