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Most recents (4)

Aug 10th 2018
Meet #Israel's #Hasbara, which means #Propaganda, MSM Censorship Application👇🤨
This app came out about last year, and it is still on the iTunes store.
The app posts daily missions & TELLS YOU WHAT TO DO AND WHAT TO SAY
#Trolls #Palestine #Gaza #BDS #JeremyCorbyn #JC4PM
6yrs ago #Jerusalem, #IDF Rep:
"we are now located in the SAME building where the Foreign Journalists are,we have close working relationships w/ hundreds of journalists. In addition we launched media project working in many platforms,twitter in Arabic, Russian, French & English."
How #Israel-i Propaganda (#Hasbara) Works: #TheLuntzDocument
If you want to understand how the #propaganda works you need to read the Luntz document -- "The Key," Luntz says, "is the Claim that the Fight is Over Ideology, Not Land. About Terror, & Not Territory."
#Palestine #BDS
Read 35 tweets
Jun 26th 2018
#Iran Protests courtesy of the #CIA
Jun 25, 2009 After President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won the Iranian Election, riots and protests erupted in #Tehran, The western media was quick to report on this #PSYOPS.
#US politicians, #Israel, #SaudiArabia & media dream of #RegimeChange in #Iran.
Jan 3, 2018 The more intense and violent demonstrations in Iran have given way to patriotic rallies with thousands of Iranians shouting pro-government slogans.
Jan 3,2018 Are the protests in #Iran spontaneous, or are they the result of another #RegimeChange operation?#TheCorbettReport James explores the past, present & future of #US and #Israel-i involvement in Iran, & the attempts to foment unrest in the country.
Read 31 tweets
May 30th 2018
Alan Dershowitz, long time friend of #pedopredator
Jeffery Epstein and also his previous attorney, stands in the way of myself, and other US victims of pedo-predator Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski, seeing him extradited to stand trial.
I have no words for what Dersh is...
What kind of person requests to represent a #pedopredator like Serial Child Rapist Roman Polanski!?
Is Alan Dershowitz the go to guy for CIA/Mossad scum pedos!?…
#ChildSexTrafficking #PedoIsland #SatanicRitualAbuse
Jeffery Epstein’s sex slave Virginia Roberts is on record saying that Epstein made her have sex with Alan Dershowitz numerous times. How many other underage girls did Dershowitz have sex with? Virginia Roberts says Dershowitz also witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 11th 2018
#QAnon Thread 4/11/18

NEW #Q 1126
FBI burning the midnight oil
(Carter tweet)
What was just released to Nunes?…
(#Trump tweet)

#Qanon8chan #MAGA #TheGreatAwakening #KAG
#POTUS #WednesdayWisdom @realDonaldTrump @potus #WeThePeople
NEW #QAnon 1127

A clean [H]house is very important.
Our comms must be this way.
NAT SEC laws.
House of reps
Down She Goes...


#Qanon8chan #Q #WeThePeople #WWG1WGA #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #KAG @realDonaldTrump
Read 26 tweets

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