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Dec 29th 2017
Regime forces and allied militias captured strategic Abu Dali village and Hamdaniyah village from Syrian rebels and #HTS. Regime is also assaulting on #Athsan:…
Abu Dali was a black market hub where civilians and rebels bought important stuffs from corrupt regime local warlords. After assault of #HTS into the city, this supply road was cut
Regime forces and allied militias captured Tal Maraq:
Read 9 tweets
Dec 14th 2017
#AbuDuhur Offensive: expected scenario by @NorsForStudies with 2 main fronts (Sinjar road & W. #Khanasser) to take Airbase & isolate NE. Hama pocket.
Troops movement suggest large-scale assault is imminent.
General mobilization declared. Op. room yet to be formed.
#AbuDuhur offensive: the first Tiger Forces-led assault opened a new front S.-SW. of #AbuDali, seizing several locations incl. ex-Air Defense base & Tell Aswad. Areas witness clashes tonight.
#Pt. #FSA Jaish Izza & Free Idlib Army announced the death of 4 of their fighters while repelling Regime attacks.
Read 245 tweets

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