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Aug 16th 2018

La #Turchia bombarda #Sinjar ed uccide Mam Zaki, uno degli eroi che salvò decine di migliaia di #ezidi dal genocidio dell'#ISIS.

1) Una notizia terribile, l'ennesimo crimine atroce e disumano della #Turchia contro il popolo curdo.
Ieri intorno alle 16 un raid turco ha colpito alcuni veicoli (pare 3) delle forze di autodifesa ezide #YBS che stavano tornando dalla commemorazione del massacro di #Kocho.
2) Tra il 3 ed il 15 Agosto 2014 il villaggio di #Kocho nei pressi di #Sinjar rimane sotto assedio da parte dell'ISIS.
Tra il 15 Agosto e le prime ore del 16 Agosto i miliziani dell'#ISIS entrarono nel villaggio. Radunarono tutta la popolazione, circa 1700 persone, nella scuola.
Read 24 tweets
Aug 16th 2018
1) Today—on the 4th anniversary of the Kocho Massacre, when #IS slaughtered an entire town as part of the Yazidi Genocide—#Turkey bombed a #Yazidi convoy in #Sinjar that was returning from the Kocho Massacre memorial ceremony, killing Mam Zaki, an important Yazidi #PKK leader.
2) The convoy contained leaders & members of the Yazidi #YBŞ defense force and affiliated political institutions, including Mazlum Shingal, the military commander of the #YBŞ, who—like Mam Zaki—is also a #Yazidi. Mazlum (shown in photo) was injured but not killed in the attack.
3) A #Yazidi from #Sinjar (Tel Ezeir) named Harbo, a member of the Self-Administrative Council (a local governing institution that is a civilian political counterpart to the YBŞ defense force), was injured in the attack. Two others were killed; their identities are not yet known.
Read 39 tweets
Aug 1st 2018
1) The KDP is the most responsible actor for inhibiting #Yazidi post-genocide recovery & preventing resettlement/reconstruction in #Sinjar. The @HudsonInstitute should be cognizant of these well-documented issues before featuring a mouthpiece who routinely defends these abuses.
2) A perusal of any number of articles/reports would enlighten event organizers as to the reaction of incredulity that such an embarrassing choice engenders on the part of Iraqi minorities and those involved in advocacy, humanitarian endeavors, and human rights work.
3) A good place to start for essential background is "The KRG’s Relationship with the Yazidi Minority and the Future of the Yazidis in Shingal (Sinjar):"…
Read 13 tweets
May 19th 2018
"Sometimes, I look at myself in the mirror and wonder, 'How am I still alive?'"
Yazidi mother opens up about escape from Islamic State, building a life in Canada
(1/ ) #YazidiPlight #Iraq #Canada
At 18, when she was eight months pregnant, Faeza Mejo was captured in August 2014 by members of the Islamic State terror group when she, her husband and his family tried to flee from the invaders in northern Iraq.
(2/ )#YazidiGenocide #Sinjar #Iraq
Faeza was separated from her husband and taken to a place where about 50 other young #Yazidi women and girls were held. She soon learned they were in a warehouse and they were the goods to be sold, and she would literally be marked for life.
(3/ ) #YazidiPlight #Sinjar
Read 10 tweets
Apr 29th 2018
[1] I am a #Yazidi and not yet 17, but I have a story to tell the world. My people have always been peaceful and non-aggressive. We believe in God and humanity and respect other religions. I grew up in a village called Wardia, near #Sinjar, #Iraq. We lived with honor and dignity.
[2] We were a very close community and pretty much kept to ourselves. When I was only 13, we heard that ISIS was headed toward us and also that they were doing very bad things. #YazidiPlight
[3] We fled to the mountain, but ISIS intercepted all of us and forced us back to our village. By that time many of our very own #Muslim neighbors had joined in with ISIS and were also killing many #Yazidis.
Read 17 tweets
Dec 14th 2017
#AbuDuhur Offensive: expected scenario by @NorsForStudies with 2 main fronts (Sinjar road & W. #Khanasser) to take Airbase & isolate NE. Hama pocket.
Troops movement suggest large-scale assault is imminent.
General mobilization declared. Op. room yet to be formed.
#AbuDuhur offensive: the first Tiger Forces-led assault opened a new front S.-SW. of #AbuDali, seizing several locations incl. ex-Air Defense base & Tell Aswad. Areas witness clashes tonight.
#Pt. #FSA Jaish Izza & Free Idlib Army announced the death of 4 of their fighters while repelling Regime attacks.
Read 245 tweets
Nov 3rd 2017
ISIS terrorists are committing ongoing genocide against the #Yazidis in #Iraq & #Syria
According to the #UN, women&girls as young as nine are being sold as slaves 2 ISIS soldiers who regularly beat them & rape them, re-sell them&if they try 2 escape, kill them #YazidiPlight
The @UN report focuses on the Islamic State’s attack on #Yazidis in #Sinjar-#Iraq in Aug.2014
The subsequent genocide of the #Yazidi pple, which has included mass murder,beheadings,the rape of women&children&the buying&selling of women&girls as sex slaves at marketplaces&online
“over 3,200 Yazidi women & children r still held by ISIS. Most are in #Syria where Yazidi females continue 2 be sexually enslaved & #Yazidi boys, indoctrinated, trained & used in hostilities. 1000s of Yazidi men & boys are missing. The genocide of the #Yazidis is on-going.” @UN
Read 29 tweets
Oct 22nd 2017
1) New updates on #Sinjar—this thread provides details following KDP pullout.
Photo: Haider Shesho greets #Yazidi Hashd commander Khal Ali.
2) On KDP withdrawal from #Sinjar, see previous thread:
3) The past week’s events led to hysterical claims that Peshmerga were returning to Sinjar/airstrikes hit Sinjar/etc. All such claims false.
Read 90 tweets
Oct 21st 2017
1) Today afternoon #Iraq, 10/21/2017, all #Yazidis in #Sinjar that are receiving a salary from #KRG were informed to leave Sinjar & go to =>
2)#Kurdistan or their salary will be cut off.
3) This move will cause a further humanitarian devastation on the already suffering #Yazidis who have hardly anything to begain with post =>
Read 14 tweets
Oct 18th 2017
1) Our staff in #Sinjar were 400 meters away when they witnessed peshmarga's withdraw from Northeast Sinjar this morning.
2) They witnessed Peshmarga burning their bases after they withdrew.
3) They said #Yazidis are very happy and feel like #Sinjar's liberation from dictatorship of KDP was almost like that of #ISIS
Read 18 tweets
Oct 17th 2017
1) A MONUMENTAL DAY: The #KDP has FULLY WITHDRAWN from #Sinjar. I'm completely SPEECHLESS—(well, not completely): Bye-bye KDP!
#Yazidi #Iraq
2) After over 3 years of fighting for this outcome, the #Yazidi community has finally scored a major victory in reclaiming their homeland.
3) After #Peshmerga withdrew from Kirkuk yesterday (for which the PUK was hit w/ blame), the effect continues in KDP-controlled areas today.
Read 88 tweets

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