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Jun 30th 2018
Selected list of #indictments for June 27, June 28, and June 29, 2018
1. First Nationwide Undercover Operation Targeting Darknet Vendors Results in Arrests of More Than 35 Individuals Selling Illicit Goods and the Seizure of Weapons, Drugs and More Than $23.6 Million

#darknet #drugtrafficking #weaponstrafficking…
2. Multiple convictions in federal sex trafficking cases

#childsextrafficking #indianapolis #indiana…
Read 40 tweets
Jun 8th 2018
and I came up with an idea 💡 to make our threads and digs more appealing to others, another way we can spread truth across platforms in the hopes to awaken more people..The First thread we’re working on is the
#cemex #OperationBackyardBrawl #SaveTheChildren
As it’s one people should Really be aware of and understand who these monster are.I recommend you read the dig on @ElemiFuentes page first, if you haven’t already and I’ll post as fast as possible to catch up.Hopefully this makes a difference to help red pill others😁
Read 31 tweets
Jun 4th 2018
1- Let's talk #CEMEX
The following work is not just mine, but a compilation of: @CoreysDigs @ScottAnthonyUSA @RebelPilled @NCDM18 @SolAdentro @cornholio74 @Patriot_17 @412Anon87 @MissRepresentU @The_War_Economy @WenjaminBalton & countless other anons that are doing research.
2-The story took off last night, but apparently has been going on for a couple of days. The group that called themselves ‘VOP Alpha Co - Team Pulaski’ (…), a group of veterans with different backgrounds & experience, dedicated to help other veterans
3-...are the ones that brought all this out to light.
They have been live streaming videos from the area, and #Facebook keeps taking them down.
What happened? VOP was in the area looking for homeless vets they could help.
Read 10 tweets
May 14th 2018
468-How do I know these two organizations are associated? and/or work together? ☝️
Good question & is super hard to pinpoint. Sometimes is due to common projects in same locations (usually masked by a third or fourth party), & sometimes are certain names that pop in both
469-But sometimes, it is due to silly little mistakes like this article 👇
Here Dr. #Lee is credited with #COTN, except the charity 'children of the night's' site was never #COTN but this one
Sure this might just be all coincidence and/or mistake
470-Who is funding #Childrenofthenight? 🤔
Well, the late Johnny Carson host of 'Tonight Show' & Hugh Hefner (from #Playbody Mansion)
I don't know about Mr. #Carson, but rumour has it he had a very active sex live& even an x-rated tape got leaked to media.…
Read 25 tweets
May 9th 2018
1) #NXIVM again. In my tweet storm here 👇 I mentioned this could go in 100s of directions, but never expected this one. Incoming 💣

#QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS #GreatAwakenening #redpill #TheStorm #TheStormIsHere #MEtoo #ExposeAllEvil #ThesePeopleAreSick

2) So the #Anons have been bouncing this back and forth all day, but yes, someone we all know has the #NXIVM brand on them. And it will hopefully discredit her forever.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState #DeepState #DeepStateAgenda #QAnon #WWG1WGA @POTUS
3) These images are direct from my screen captures. I had to suffer thru this porn film to get them, but they are mine, authentic and real. Many other anons have done their own versions and independently verified the same.

#DrainTheSwamp #DeepStateinPanic #DrainTheDeepState
Read 21 tweets
Apr 17th 2018
Every single person who lamented the seizure of #backpage #backpageseized needs to read this. Especially page 31, the beginning of Section E.

Don't cry for these people that were arrested.…
Fun fact: a lot of the women and minors being exploited in the illegal sex trafficking trade -get this! - don't get to keep any of the money they 'earn' by being bought and sold.
Let's dispense with the fantasy that BackPage didn't know that many of the girls being trafficked for sex on their site were underage.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 10th 2018
1) Some thoughts on the #backpageshutdown & unsealing of #indictments. I've read the indictment, it's filled w ties to the #cabal & #HumanTrafficking networks.

@womensmarch @SafeSpacesDC @melissagira @swopusa @KateDAdamo @supporthosechi @anaorsomething

2) Lets start with where the case was filed, and where the culprits live.

Now see recent #Q message.

Border states are VERY key.
Bigger than you can imagine.
The pipeline.

#Arizona & #Texas are border states.

#ExposeAllEvil #PedoGate #ThesePeopleAreSick #backpage #qanon
3) To begin, #prostitution is illegal, this website was specifically designed to facilitate it. You may feel it should not be illegal, but it is, so what they were doing is criminal. Open and shut.

Below, it's rationalized as "transparency, record keeping and safeguards."
Read 18 tweets
Apr 8th 2018
Its time to take .@twitter/.@jack/.@ev to task, long thread incoming!
our good friend .@jack supported this recent article…
the article's writers are calling literally for California to be the model for the rest of not only the United States but for the rest of the western world. This is a joke of the multitudes, especially after what has gone done in facebook and the rest.
Read 21 tweets
Apr 8th 2018
SO SAFE🙄 How horrible #backpage is being punished #saidnooneever…
This guy burned his #backpage date but according to you it’s a safe place for sex workers🤷🏼‍♀️…
Read 13 tweets

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