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Aug 3rd 2018
It's a criminal offence to falsifying a legal instrument. But if the #MetPolice / #LBRUT do it, then there is not even an investigation. 12 years of silence. Evidence to prove it -

#skynews #lbc #theresamay #uk #bbcnews #coverup #c4news #worldnews #ukgov
Welcome to the #Metpolice who also changed & falsified my arrest details. Have a look at the evidence here as it's all easy to prove & that's why it's never addressed

#R4today #corruption #coverup #leadership #values #corevalues #bbcnews #skynews #itvnews
Read 97 tweets
Apr 30th 2018
I have a lot to say about this recent story by @cbcErica @cbcgopublic on #Telecom @contracts & #SalesPractices, as a #lawprof working in #ConsumerRights & #DisputeResolution & not as a director of CCTS (disclaimer: views my own, based on my research & publicly available info) 1/8
My work (with funding from Forum of Canadian Ombudsman) on industry ombuds in 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇬🇧,…, found that these schemes do provide access to justice by providing quick dispute resolution for consumers. But...they do have two major drawbacks 2/8
Industry ombuds schemes, like @CCTS_CPRST, resolve individual disputes but can't do independent investigations and also don't have powers to change industry practices. While resolution may be good for individual consumers, it compartmentalizes systemic issues. 3/8
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