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Aug 23rd 2018
A #special #warning for my folks w or w/o #disabilities who might be taking #Flexeril / #cyclobenzaprine

it says on the warning sheet that very few folks have had #depressive #sideeffects, and maybe I'm just a rarity.

but if i have to take that thing for 2x in a row
It's small & #insidious.
It starts with "will I ever get better?" & it can escalate into, "Why do I try?" depending how long I am on it.

I only need it sporadically, but yeah.
Changed my world to know that was a possibility.
Now I can say after using it..."Is this thought real?"
For those who would suggest other methods, this one is the best one i have for now.
(In a few years, maybe something that works better will come along or they might know more about why #EhlersDanlos happens)

In the mean time I wanted you to know, in case this happens to you too.
Read 3 tweets
May 12th 2018
Given that it's #Fibromyalgia Awareness Day in the middle of #EhlersDanlos Awareness Month, let's talk about misdiagnosis.

People with hypermobile EDS or Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder often spend years misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia…

#fibroawarenessday #EDSAwarenessMonth
…I meet people with really clear signs of hypermobility who've been diagnosed with #Fibromyalgia by rheumatology, treated at pain management clinics, or even seen physiotherapy.

None of those professionals seem to know to screen for hypermobility syndromes…

…This is important because hypermobility syndromes have a physical basis for joint pain that can be improved by multidisciplinary management.

Occupational therapy can provide equipment and teach behavioural changes that reduce stress on joints, Orthotics can support ankles…
Read 8 tweets

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