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Apr 3rd 2018
Iowa voters! The Iowa House has passed Joint Resolution 8 calling for an Article V Convention of States to amend the US Constitution-as desired by #ALEC & #Kochs! The senate will vote ANY DAY! Tell ur state senators 2 vote NO! Contact info & more below #NoConCon #KochBrothers 1/
Alarmingly, #JR8 had BIPARTISAN support in the IA House. Still, u probably should focus on Senate Republicans first. Here is a list w/ their names & numbers. Tell them u will #VoteThemOut if they vote for a Convention of States! 2/
Next, you should convey the same message—vote NO on #JR8 or we will #Vote you out—to the Democratic leadership in the Iowa Senate. Here are their names & numbers.… 3/
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