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Sep 30th 2018
“To understand how infants come to be able to control the forceful interactions of their bodies with their environment is to gain insight into the nature of cognitive processes as they emerge.” - Port & van Gelder (1995) about Esther Thelen’s perspective on human development
Thelen (1995): “What infants do in everyday life, what they perceive, how they act, and what they remember are joined seamlessly to how they think. ...
“Since a major developmental task of #infancy is gaining control of the body, #cognition is thus #embodied as its origins deal with #actions of the #body in the world.” - Esther Thelen (1995)
Read 4 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
(1) Did President Trump backtrack today on his #HelsinkiMeeting comments about Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Remember last night when I said this:

(2) The simple answer is of course "no," POTUS did NOT backtrack between Mon & Tues re this issue. On Monday night I was perfectly satisfied that his comments were appropriate, & indeed better than I expected. Since people are idiots, I need to give more than the simple answer.
(3) I've read both transcripts & watched both videos. The question came near the end at Helsinki. I've cued the video: It comes just after the soccer ball gift.



Read 16 tweets
Jun 30th 2018
*Clears Throat*

How You Are Performing #Magick Everyday and Don’t Even Realize It.


#Manifestation 101.

For any of you more practical folks reading who may be skeptical due to my use of the word “Magick”.

This will not be a “wooey” thread.

It will better your life.

And it will CERTAINLY give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE if acted upon (looking at you @ipb_media).

Keep reading.
First things first, let me clarify that I’m using the word Magick as defined by Aleister Crowley.

#Magick - The Science and Art of causing change to occur in conformity with one's will.
Read 27 tweets
Nov 26th 2017
Except you don't have the consciousness to do that- only what you've, perhaps, been programmed to register, process, or maybe transmit/emit. Here in #Ireland on the other hand there are 💚s everywhere hoping to #repealthe8th #LISTENUP #Focus on #Caring #Now to ensure #legislation
2/ to #repealthe8th or/& make #abortion in #Ireland a #legal #safe #clinical #option for women, regardless of socio-economic circumstances.
3/ Think you want to **Repeal the 8️⃣️th** 💚s? This is a sane quote from here, Ireland, today:"The dissolution of the Dáil would see the simultaneous dissolution of all Oireachtas Committees. ---
Read 12 tweets

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