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Jul 21st 2018
(1) Highlights thread of #POTUSinEurope.

#TeamTrump #PhotoThread: Visit to Europe July 2018 - Part VII.

There will be a link at the end to the series of threads.

#MAGA #PeaceThroughStrength #Diplomacy #History #Winning

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(2) Departing the White House for the trip to Europe.
(3) Planning the day ahead in Brussels.
Read 39 tweets
Jul 20th 2018
(1) #TeamTrump #PhotoThread: Visit to Europe July 2018 - Part VI.

Additional pix from the #HelsinkiMeeting with Russia, & returning home to the WH after the trip. There will also be a Part VII in this series, & a thread of links to each part.

Below: Driving to the meeting.
(2) An official photo from the visit to the residence of the Finnish President and First Lady.
(3) The two First Ladies met while their husbands held a bilateral meeting with their teams.
Read 16 tweets
Jul 17th 2018
(1) Did President Trump backtrack today on his #HelsinkiMeeting comments about Russian interference in the 2016 election?

Remember last night when I said this:

(2) The simple answer is of course "no," POTUS did NOT backtrack between Mon & Tues re this issue. On Monday night I was perfectly satisfied that his comments were appropriate, & indeed better than I expected. Since people are idiots, I need to give more than the simple answer.
(3) I've read both transcripts & watched both videos. The question came near the end at Helsinki. I've cued the video: It comes just after the soccer ball gift.



Read 16 tweets
Jul 14th 2018
(1) #TeamTrump #PhotoThread: Visit to Europe July 2018 - Part V.

Scotland: Glasgow, the Trump Turnberrry Club, then on to the #HelsinkiSummit with Russia.
(2) As usual, the photos of the couple looking relaxed and happy are tucked away and harder to find, while the negative ones are front and center. They've been travelling and carrying out events nonstop all week, but they still look energized. Positive attitude.
(3) POTUS and team pointing and laughing at something, possibly the asinine Greenpeace stunt, because "below par" is a good thing in golf. LOL

Very very stupid idea to risk getting shot... a POTUS is one of the most well protected persons in the world.
Read 39 tweets

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